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    92 M20J MSE

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  1. I was simply asking a question? Yes..... I have been a member since 2014 and became a supporter to place the ad. Not trying to step on anybody, Just want to know when I could list an ad. Sounds pretty simple. If you read the threads "Fly Boomer" responded. To bad there are people who respond to questions they have no business in. I guess it's the way of the world! Enjoy your Mooney!
  2. Really........ I asked a very simple question. Go run you mouth somewhere else!
  3. I did...... How long after can I place an ad....????
  4. Same here!! How long does it take until you can create a post?
  5. Just picked up the aircraft after the installation of the JPI 830. I can only say it's....OK. The MP and Tach have a large enough display area and the CHT and EGT's do as well. But the rest of the information takes reading glasses and I have GREAT Vision! I noticed the oil temp reading was about 25°F difference from the factor gauge as compared to the JPI (higher). Shop told me the probes are at different pickup points on the engine creating the D/T. Any opinions on that? Rick
  6. This is going to be a questionable response but it WORKS. Go Jo hand cleaner mixed with soft scrub. This combination deep cleans and polishes better that ANTYHING I have ever seen. Removes bugs, oxidation and leaves a luster. Rick
  7. Looking for opinions..... Just pulled the trigger on a JPI 830. Was thinking just to the left of the 530 in a portrait mode. Looking at panel pictures on the web I see a lot of folks go with that position but in a landscape configuration. Are there any advantages of one over the other??? Thanks in advance..... Rick
  8. They are a PITA to remove and replace. Take the seats out and get comfortable. Pump in cold air! Just keep telling yourself, THIS IS POSSIBLE....! Rick
  9. Flew today and noticed the Vac Warn, 1 amp breaker tripped. Would not reset. Started the standby pump and can hear it coming on. Any ideas to why the breaker is tripped. What device or devices are in this circuit? Weak breaker????? Why would the Vac Warn breaker trip when the Standby Vac system is NOT in use? BTW....I have solid Vac on the system with the engine driven pump....all good. Thanks in advance for any advice! Rick 377JF
  10. I sent it To Bevans. Spoke with Tom and he took me through their repair process. Sounds like good people to work with! We'll see soon!!! Thanks everyone! Rick
  11. Any recommendations on getting a KX 155 serviced. I think its the display but don't know for sure. Looks like $2,250 is the going rate to change the display. I'm in the Southeast and looking for the closest most reputable service center. Thanks Rick
  12. Thank you! I would have NEVER looked there! Rick
  13. Hello All.... Looking for a part # and location of the Airspeed safety interlock. I cannot find it anywhere in the Parts Manual. Just recently in a Gear Retraction test we were able to raise the gear without flowing Air in the Pitot Tube. Any information or guidance is always appreciated! M20J MSE 1992 Rick
  14. Been noticing some oil drops bleeding from the cowling.... Not much, but was never there in the past. Just a heads up, be sure to pay attention to the Oil return lines when you are looking over your engine. On my Cylinder #2 the baffle was chaffing against the tube and was close eroding through. The other tubes were fine but the rubber tube connectors had been tightened so may times the rubber was bottomed out. All creating minor leakage. New tubes, connectors and clamps are on the way. Rick
  15. Sorry for the delay. If you need more info, PM me. Rick
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