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  1. I'm looking for a MSC in the mid-Atlantic area. Any recommendations?
  2. Yesterday while flying my O3, the SynVis on the PFD went off-line (it had been working) and I got an aural message "Terrain not available". Every minute or 2 I would get a "terrain available" alert but nothing happened on the PFD and then it said "terrain not available" again. This happened numerous times. After about 20 minutes everything returned to normal. There were no issues with GPS coverage, Upon landing I restarted the system and got all sorts of error messages that the PFD wasn't reading data (not only terrain) off the Supp data card. I removed the card and did the Obstacle, SafeTaxi, and Airport directory updates that were due today. I subsequently rebooted the system 5 times. On 3 of the 5 the system came up fine, on the other 2 I got multiple database error messages. Anyone have any thoughts? Data Card got corrupted? PFD Card reader not making contact with disk intermittently? PFD Card reader fault?
  3. I'm in Seattle. Growing up on the east coast (the other side of the Delaware river from you), I'm very fond of DnD but they are not out here. Top Pot is the local equivalent. Bringing goodies always helps with response time from the techs There's a French bakery on the way to the airport so I got an assortment of croissants (plain, chocolate, ham & cheese). They were gone by the time I returned the GPU. So this fix cost me 2 SD cards and 2 sets of pastries. About $80 all in.
  4. It worked. After I failed on the first try using 1612revE last week, I got a new SD card and used the file in revF. I followed the steps exactly and pulled the GPS2/NAV2 and COM2 CBs to kill GIA#2. Total power on time was about 7-8 minutes. As it happened, I borrowed a GPU from my local Garmin service shop (they appreciated the pastries ) and learned the following: They told me the recent magvar data file that was embedded with the last NavData update was flawed causing the problem. Compounding the issue is that the revE file was corrupted and that has caused a lot of heartburn.
  5. Thanks Jeff I'm assuming the 2 GB SD card I tried the other day was bad and I have a new one coming from Amazon, so I will give the update another try on Monday. You have been way more helpful the Garmin support. Good news on the update time. It was a hassle trying to borrow a GPU. Thanks! Bob
  6. Jeff Great news! Just to be clear- you did not pull the AHRS or MFD CBs? Just GPS2/NAV2 and COM2? Also, did you use FAT32 formatting on the SD card? Bob
  7. I have an Ovation3 and I tried the SD card option. I was able to load it onto a 2GB SD card no problem (I have Windows), but when I put the card into the top slot of the PFD and power up the system proceeds as if the SD card isn't there. Any ideas?
  8. I would agree we don't want "our friends" being too helpful. Having flown a lot of IFR, I always like to have choices because mother nature is a real practical joker.
  9. I would also add that I do not blame the people named above. They are good technical folks and do not necessarily make resource allocation decisions within Mooney. We need to get the attention of their management!
  10. They includes: Stacey Ellis, Paul Kehner, Frank Crawford, Betsy Strosser
  11. If any of you would like to be part of an action group to push Mooney, please contact me at: robert.e.fishman@gmail.com Some of you already have and I'm compiling a list. Thanks
  12. Bob They is the people at Mooney. I have had numerous emails with them (mostly the same people) before and after the new ownership structure. No one at Mooney is try to dodge their obligation to solve this. They just won't get it done.
  13. It is a safety issue because WAAS allows precision approaches with lower minimums. Having flown a lot of IFR and living in the Pacific NW, there are a lot of airports where having lower minimums would allow more options especially in case of a problem.
  14. Bob, with respect, they have been saying for years they are working on it and their website says "we haven't forgotten about you". The are admitting responsibility by that statement. The current owners own the type certificate. Only they can authorize a fix. I think that using a legal dodge to evade responsibility is one of the things that is wrong with our society. At the very least, they have a moral obligation to us and it's not like we are asking to get something for free. We all know this will cost us and are prepared to pay. I love my Mooney (this is my second one) and have nearly 3000 hours in them. But this is a safety issue and they need to step up.
  15. I have talked to Garmin. It's a Mooney issue because of the type certificate. The write up on the website has said that since 2015. It says second quarter not 2Q 2016. The question is second quarter of what year -2030?
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