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Everything posted by tonyk628

  1. Isn't a re-imagined 152, the AMD CH2000 of which can be had on the open market for $40-50k with a EHSI (I know the 3308 has it's issues). It amazing to think someone would openly pony up that kinda coin for either of those and not consider a Mooney, a Beech, or 10 other options that are better values for their money, but then again, some guy once made a million bucks selling rocks...
  2. Well it sounds like you just want to bite the big city bullet for a night or two then... can also look at Waukegan and drive down. Sameish distance as Schaumburg, but lots of approaches. Besides when's the last time the midwest had weather in the summer..
  3. Have you looked at Schaumberg?
  4. So I'll pass along what I know after a couple years going back and forth with David on his plane. The left tank has a seep. The plane hasn't flown since 2010. Logs are complete. No corrosion (not verified, but he seemed on the up and up the few times we talked). No cowl closure, but the LASAR one is cheap. Glass I think was recently done (last 10 years, but also don't quote me on that.) Most E's cruise at about 153-155ktas, but I'll let the actual owners take care of the facts on this. To me it's a nice looking plane that needs some help in the panel department, but its deeper that I want to jump in, 3000 miles away.
  5. Alan, this is a very reasonable price!
  6. Great looking Eagle!
  7. I'm the one who started this mess, so my 2cents for what they are worth... This COULD be a great plane, NDH, complete logs, apparently no internal corrosion; just treated surface stuff. Easy 180KTAS in the low teens with the Turbo sipping gas for a range of 1200NM by my calculation with the Monroys. The owner is has been upfront with what it needs, but it NEEDS a lot. Tank seal (fuel smell in the cockpit; its been patched a few times in it's life, 48 years is time to do the job right), Avionics, Paint, Interior, Windows. I was going to be buying the plane for $22k when the broker decided that he didn't like the deal he made with me and put it on ebay. Anything more than that and it's wasn't really worth it to me for what it needs, by my calculator it needs $30-40k to be a good plane, more to be great. To put it all in perspective the previous owner who did supposedly $20k in engine work and owned the plane for quite a few years sold it to the broker in CA for $20.5k who then flipped it, and then this thread was born.
  8. Thats not a terrible deal, but a rich for my budget.
  9. Well if you talked to him on the phone that's a good sign...
  10. If I recall correctly this was about the amount that I offered you and you said you would never take......Congrats on a soon to be one plane man!
  11. Awww thanks! I'm keeping a close eye on it, but based on our talk at SnF, I'm not in any position to get close; the rush thing didn't work out, but I'm having a ball flying the T-45 again! Also, you did come off the $35k, which you said you'd never do.... so I guess I can hope you will bequeath me the keys in a gesture of peace and good will
  12. Prayers for everyone. Hang in there Mike, give em hell and here's to a full and speedy recovery!
  13. Alan, you said you'd never give it away:)
  14. What happened?
  15. Congrats Rob!
  16. Here's what you are getting!
  17. Ha no I didn't end up buying a plane and I don't fly enough to justify having it.
  18. Bump for anyone looking... make me an offer!
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