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  1. no joy on searching on the file extension. Have two other options, there is a change it's on my server, but I doubt it. Last potential option is I believe I still have that original C drive in a box.
  2. New paint on my 63 C, which had the original paint... what was left of it, plus the lower cowl closure added 7 kts.
  3. Down wind, abeam the runway, gear was down, period. Straight in, mile out, gear went down. Flaps not touched until gear down. IFR was much easier, FAF, gear went down, set up perfect glideslope. In all cases, hand touched the J-Bar on short final. The ONE time I violated my policy, I repeatidly told my ex to don't let me forget the gear. I was fighting a 60kt headwind on final and intentially kept the gear up!
  4. 99% sure I wouldn't have accepted C:\ as the default directory. If it was a DBF file, that will help the search
  5. Factual data is not speaking poorly about someone
  6. I had a highly respected flight instructor who was ticketed in multiple warbirds explain it to me in a manner that even I could understand. Don't do something will cause your friends to read the NTSB report and 2nd guess your decision making.
  7. C, Maybe I misunderstood your post. I personally experienced how fast approach skills would deteriorate. If you're specifically referring to enroute skill, one shouldn't be flying IFR if they can't handle staying on an airway
  8. highly unlikely I deleted the data file... finding it might be a much more difficult enterprise.
  9. I will respectively disagree with that statement. I went from being able to sleep through an approach without leaving the doughnut to getting significant needle deflection in a few short months.
  10. Do both... I went all electronic with FliteSoft. 10 years away, three or four computer and/or OS upgrades and a program that is no longer supported, I'm essentially screwed. The one smart thing I did, was a hard copy data dump when I sold my Mooney.
  11. And 17 people that really needed the aid were very appreciative of your support and service you provided. Report that back to the agency, although I'd bet they met all the criteria for the flights. I had one person that clearly didn't need the service, and took advantage of our generosity. I reported it back and they were put on a black list and an additional screening requirement was added.
  12. This saddens me... as does LASAR. Dugosh and LASAR were the leaders for Mooney.
  13. There are some provisions that you can't be sued for providing aid. It's a weak protection, but you know what, I didn't care. I got a LOT of satisfaction over doing the flights, and some of the best things that happened to me happened after doing flights. Also, one of my all time fav flight memories occured on a flight home after dropping off a patient. These are people that typically require specialized health care and either can't afford the transportation, or there are unique health situations that literally force them into GA. Just do it!
  14. I'm extremely unusual in the amount of actual time ratio. If I had to guess, it's 20%+. It really became obvious when I stopped using the plane for business and I watched an approach that was incredibly sloppy to my prior experience.
  15. We do a LOT of pressure canning. I joke my beautiful bride would can rocks if she could figure out how to tenderize them... If you lose the vaccum seal and allow ambient air and O2 to enter the jar, you're setting yourself up for potential food poisoning... even if it reseals at lower altitude. If the jars are hot bathed, I definitely wouldn't do it... not unless you're carrying them to eat on the trip and they'll be refigerated at the destination. Pressure canned, too risky, unless same thing as water bath. If they will be refigerated at destination, put rings on loose with no pressure and maybe put the box in a plastic bag in case of developed leak.
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