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Posts posted by mooniac15u

  1. 5 minutes ago, Carl Everitt said:

    We received a M20E (apparently) straight from annual for an avionic upgrade, and since it has been in the hangar we are constantly cleaning up a large hydraulic puddle under the belly. Being an avionic shop we need some guidance/advise on where to look. The aircraft supposed to came from annual.....but it doesn't look like this aircraft has been inspected for a long time, and the 'delivery' pilot said that the engine cut-out twice before he took off.........thoughts, comments,



    Is the parking brake on? That locks pressure in the hydraulic brake system and if the seals aren't great they can leak over time.

  2. 16 hours ago, Mooney-Shiner said:

    Crazy enough, I never noticed that my 67 F model didn’t have a generator switch. I guess I just never missed it.  I fly Cessna for training (getting ratings) and used the alternator on/of switch to opcheck the alternator.

    is there a use in having on/off switch on generator?

    Alternators us an electromagnet so they have a field circuit. The alternator switch turns the field circuit on and off. Generators use a permanent magnet so there's no field circuit to switch on and off.

  3. On 6/7/2024 at 11:23 PM, Hradec said:

    Well I pretty much have it resolved, however now I have interference elsewhere.

    The truss pivot bolt head is hitting. Parts manual calls for an6H21a

    Service  bulletin m20-212 replaces there bolts with NAS1306 bolts,these have a considerably thinner head but the length called out for in the sb is too short. I want to replace bolt A.. remove an6h-17a install nas1306-21h. Will be too short. My goal is to replace an6h21a bolt with an Nas equivalent but with a thinner head. Specs say nas1306-26h is the one to use for my 1964 m20e sn 311. Any one run into this bolt interfering. This is not the an26-17 with the thin castle nut that hits. I have this resolved.




    I can’t tell from your description exactly what’s interfering so I’ll throw this out there. There’s a small bracket that should have been replaced when your landing gear was converted to the new style of shock discs but I’m not sure this always happens and I think if there’s enough play in older gear it might not cause a problem. It’s described in Mooney service bulletin M20-139 https://www.mooney.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/SBM20-139A.pdf. On page 4 item 8 describes the bracket that needs to be replaced. On page 6 under “Main Gear Parts to Install” item 6 is a note that the gear won’t retract unless this bracket is replaced.


    I’m not saying this is necessarily your problem but it seems worth confirming that you have the new bracket.

  4. On 4/28/2024 at 6:05 PM, SilentT said:

    Anyone have or know where I can find a working kns 80? Looking on eBay they're all parts only with unknown status assumed to be defective. I bought a Mooney this week and the buttons light up with the master but the unit itself will not power on everything else seems to work okay.

    Have you turned it on and left it to warm up for a while? Since I don't use mine very often it usually takes a while for the display to warm up. If it's been sitting for a long time it could take a while before you can see anything on the display.

  5. On 4/28/2024 at 7:54 PM, MikeOH said:


    Yes, I get it. You just spent money on the purchase and are looking for a low cost way to limp the avionics along until you build up the checkbook to 'do it right'.

    Thing is, I don't believe the KNS80 is any longer certified for any kind of terminal or approach use (no VOR/DME approaches left that I'm aware of); enroute nav only for IFR.  There is no database, for one thing!  It's been decades since I flew with a KNS80 and it was a rental so I was only slightly familiar with its use.  Basically, it is a rho/theta system in which you enter waypoints by specifying a VOR, radial, and DME distance. IIRC, only 4 waypoints can be entered at a time. That's it.

    IMHO, no way it's going to help get your IA rating except for the IFR cross-country:D

    If you really, really want one ($1,500) these guys will at least offer a warranty: https://www.bennettavionics.com/rnav/


    You might be thinking about a different radio. The KNS80 is capable of receiving localizer and glideslope so it works well for flying an ILS or localizer approach. It has some interesting features for en route navigation but even if you never learn how to use those functions it is a perfectly good backup nav radio that includes DME.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Lax291 said:

    Thanks for the link to the SB and to the new straps.  This is where I think it confuses me, someone pointing out the SB that says to remove (even though I don't believe it's mandatory?) and then someone pointing out to new straps.  

    Maybe I should have made a poll of who has the straps still attached.

    The SB I linked references the AD that makes it mandatory (AD 97-26-08 just below the subject line in the SB).  Here's the AD.



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  7. 5 hours ago, RoundTwo said:

    Interesting and yet disappointing that the software isn’t smart enough to adjust to local time while accounting for seasonal shifts. Does this mean you have to change your offset when you fly to locations, like Indiana, that don’t recognize DST?

    Indiana has recognized DST since 2006.  Aside from a few counties in the northwest and southwest corners of the state, it is always aligned with eastern time.

  8. 6 hours ago, Pinecone said:

    You have to sign up for the tour of the restoration hangars.  If you can't get a reservation, you can show up and get in the standby line.  Last time I went with some friends, we did the standby and they took something like 15 standbys.

    If you haven't been for a while, the museum has grown.  It is up too 4 of the buildings, so it takes a while to get through.

    If you are into amusement and water parks, King's Island is also in Dayton.  Both the dry and wet parks are quite nice.

    According to their website they aren't currently offering tours of the restoration hangar.


    Kings Island is in Mason which is part of the Cincinnati area.  It's about 40 miles from the Air Force museum.

  9. On 6/27/2023 at 6:13 AM, mike_elliott said:

    In the past, you had to sign up for the presidential hangar tour for sure and had to do that early. WELL WELL worth in. I dont know what the rules are now, but be sure to ask early in the day. My last visit was in 2005, so I am a bit outdated on all the ops, but I had the pleasure of flying an 80 year old couple to Xenia who used to own my F and host them. In fact, Carol Ann Garratt was giving a presentation on her J travels that day and a number of Mooney's showed up, while Karl shuttled us to and from the Museum if my aging memory serves me.

    The presidential collection has been moved into the main museum.

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  10. 36 minutes ago, wombat said:

    @A64Pilot I'm right there with you on the questions regarding what to keep and what to toss...  On my new to me plane, I've got manuals for equipment that was removed to be replaced by something that was then later removed to make way for the current generation of equipment, which happened 11 years ago.


    What I've decided is that I'll keep all that old junk (aforementioned avionics manuals, engine logbooks for engines that were replaced, etc) but keep it separated from the maintenance records.    It doesn't hurt me to have a giant box of old stuff, and maybe someone who ends up buying the plane will want this old paperwork.  But I'm not even bothering to put it in chronological order.  It's just all jumbled together.


    @Mcstealth There is also the question of what makes something 'damage history'.... If as a completely random example, someone were to run my plane off the side of a runway and a bush tears one of the gear doors off, does that count?   What about if the damage is exclusively on the gear door itself and they replace it?   There is no damaged part on the plane.   What about if the plane regularly lands on grass and after 5 years of this the A&P says "The gear door attach holes are worn out, we need to get a new gear door."... Is that damage history? 

    Personally I'd call any single event that requires a 337 to repair 'damage history', but that's just me personally.

    There's an M20C for sale here on Mooneyspace with an ad that says "No damage history" yet Aviationdb.com says there was a gear collapse.  Is that damage history?

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  11. On 5/1/2023 at 7:27 PM, 0TreeLemur said:

    Recently bought replacement wingtop sight fuel level indicators.  I've read that they are held in their socket by silicone.   How does one go about removing them without damaging the socket?    Is there a snap ring around the top?  Thx.  -Fred

    Where did you find the new ones?

  12. On 5/14/2023 at 8:45 AM, Pinecone said:

    Just be careful going down the light rabbit hole.  First it is landing/taxi lights.  Then LED recog lights, but while you have the tips opened up, you might as well add LED position/strobes.  And then there is that loud, old, rotating beacon. :D



    I don't think they were shipping many 2008 Ovations with rotating beacons.

  13. I owned a (converted) M20D for 9 years and now I've owned my M20J for the same length of time.  The J is slightly more pitch stable than the D but I never really found the D to be unstable.  It's just a difference I noticed when I upgraded.  The difference in rear seat leg room is meaningful.  I'm 6'5" and there was essentially no room behind me in the D.  My wife (5'4") rides comfortably behind me in the J.  The rear seat of the D was ok when the kids were in little and in car seats but they quickly ran out of room as they grew.

    The rear bench seats in the two planes are also slightly different.  The angle between the seat and the seatback changed.  In the D the angle was more acute and less comfortable.  I no longer get complaints about the comfort of the back seat.

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