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About MB65E

  • Birthday 03/17/1982

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  • Location
    The Left Coast
  • Interests
    Old airplanes and Porsches
  • Model
    M20E 1965

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  1. Flying it is cheap compared to the ejection seats. -Matt
  2. I was really hoping for a cool T38 import derivative! -Matt
  3. Not wrong to think CV grease would be good. Unsure of the percentage of molybdenum. As a helicopter tech, a lot of Airbus helicopters use g355 NYCO 06 grease. I recently went down the path of “let’s use this.” But it’s a graphite grease and not a molybdenum grease. After additional research, Molybdenum has better properties. I was able to grab the molybdenum pouches from an online bike shop and mix them myself with aeroshell 7. Again it’s by volume and not weight. I also feel that Aeroshell 64 would be good as well. It was not around when the Mooney AMM was written, but haven’t used it either. It’s been covered in certain depths her but the search function isn’t great. -Matt
  4. Check the alternator bracket/Arm. I’ve seen them paper thin due to ware. It’s behind the baffeling and untouched by many. -Matt
  5. Interesting. Could be loctite. Definitely not the propeller then. -Matt
  6. What prop do you have on your airplane? -Matt
  7. Be a little more careful, An OPP requires same material choice. I would suggest a “repaired part” with the carbon fiber being used. Since it is a minor repair by definition, no 337 required. -Matt
  8. What was the TBM material from Pratt? I thought some stacks were inconel. I’d be interested in a set for the pT6-25c -Matt
  9. Fly it! Aircraft Spruce will have whatever you’d like when you are ready. Search for weatherstripping. 1300L or a few drops of superglue to attach it. -Matt
  10. Thought I’d throw it out there, my exhaust riser has cracked again. I’ve welded it a few times but I think it’s exceeded its heat cycle limit. Wondering if anyone has a spare riser collecting dust. PN K630045M-513 Made by Kinsley Exhaust. Now acquired by AWI. It’s the No. 4 Riser/Stack. Thanks! -Matt
  11. Where is the airplane now? I can assist with the PPE and services if needed. -Matt
  12. The Whelen chroma lamps are the best drop-ins. They even have a TSO. I wouldn’t mess with anything else from Spruce. I have gone to the dark side with some Amazon lamps for some installed that don’t have a TSO requirement. Whelen still makes a better product. Aero-Lites are a solid fix for other drop-in replacements specifically the 508 and 305 lamps white trailing nav lamps. -Matt
  13. Love your hoses! -Matt
  14. Flip your Garmin to knots so we can all talk the same airspeed. Check all the stops on the fuel servo. -Matt
  15. This is the best I’ve found. I’m addicted to flashlights and such but this head lamp is awesome! https://a.co/d/eAuF9sE -Matt
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