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About MB65E

  • Birthday 03/17/1982

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  • Location
    The Left Coast
  • Interests
    Old airplanes and Porsches
  • Model
    M20E 1965

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  1. Hmm, I think the pictures don’t match or something. JPI said they no longer make their adaptor type CHT fitting for the cylinders. The wires would get into the threads when the Rochester probe was screwed in. Thinking the Insight 2856 probe with the Rochester 3080-38 should work to get the Garwin working again. Just need to find the single wire. From the Garwin cluster. Any other thoughts? -Matt
  2. No that’s the spark plug probe. For the piggyback probe to work, it’s installed into the cylinder probe location to run the JPI, then the Factor probe slips into the piggy back fitting. My understanding is the shop put the EDM-700 in and kiboshed the Garwin/Rochester probe. I just need to trace and find the single wire that was omitted. At least that’s how my airplane is wired. Learning things, Matt
  3. I was helping Mellow with this. Both the spark plug style probes have 2 wires. Original probe was only a single wire using the probe itself as the ground. So we’d need to find the single wire coming out of the Garwin cluster. I don’t know why the shop switched to the spark plug style probe. JPI also no longer makes the piggy back style probe for their units. Just some additional notes while we throw darts. -Matt
  4. Ahh, dang. I’ll pass then. I have a sealed 5y old Gill. Had a sealed concord. I Was actually surprised by the newer sealed Gill quality. Appreciate the clarity, -Matt
  5. So Gill sealed? What’s the difference? -S2 charger says it’s for sealed or flooded. I would be interested. I have. A 24v charger if anyone is interested in. I would like to obtain a 12v. -Matt
  6. Those are nice Don!! What’s a switch sell for? -Matt
  7. I’ve thought about it. I know exactly what wire to jumper! The VEP airspeed pressure switch is only 2 wires. I would use a momentary switch. Easy mod. -Matt
  8. Depends on if buying, selling, or just trying to get it running. You can measure the push rod lengths with the valve lash when the tappets are flat. You won’t have the normal seats and wear patterns on the valve train. However, it’s not the end of the world unlike rod caps or other rotating parts. I think with a little bit of mineral oil at break in it would run in ok. -Matt
  9. I can offer cruise by for a look see one afternoon if others are booked. -Matt
  10. Re-strap of transponders Re-reg of ELT if GPS/406 Re-paint of numbers. (Vinyl is acceptable) New Airworthiness certificate New Registration document Finally, Getting the paperwork right takes the most time. One needs to wait to touch the aircraft until the permission to apply new registration markings is granted by the feds. Not a huge deal, but it takes some time to do it right. -Matt
  11. I’m up to doubling the cost and time estimates for my fleet of aircraft I maintain. If it’s under… great. Quotes are dumb, nobody hold to the quote if they go over. Only thing I’ve seen work is in the construction industry. Where company’s pay a daily rate to the client if they are late on a project. I’ve never seen it in the aviation industry. I wish there was a better way to budget. -Matt
  12. Why are we landing on Ice in a complex airplane? -Matt
  13. He took the most beautiful photos. I remember this photo he took on a hike. It was this purple lavender field in a forest at sunrise. The camera captured the dew on the lavender through the sunlight. Just about as spectacular as you could imagine. He posted it on the site, but the early photos no longer exist. His Mooney upgrades were just as nice! All the best to his family, -Matt
  14. There are 3 gasket types, two pressure screens and 2 different remote oil filter housings. I had the wrong gasket on mine. Blocking the oil cooler only when it was warm. -Matt
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