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  1. Dunno about the seat-belt airbag but be aware that AoA systems DO NOT require an STC, not even field approval for the install; only a logbook entry by any A&P. Took 'em a while but FAA finally figured it out and got that one right. Please read the FAA Letter of Clarification Cheers!
  2. Jose, with due respect (and I say that with all sincerity) your understanding of AoA is exactly backwards. Unfortunately what you DON'T know about AoA is stunning, and that's not a put-down; rather it's that your education in very basic aerodynamics regarding angle of attack is sorely deficient. Please, please, for the sake of yourself and your loved ones, do spend some time to truly study the relationship between airspeed, wing loading and AoA. With respect to AoA devices, just two weeks ago the FAA sent out a general aviation safety “fact sheet” identifying several technologies the agency says can help significantly curb the fatal accident rate. The top two devices named are seat-belt airbags and angle-of-attack indicators. Too, a liberal education on the subject is available here; http://www.ballyshannon.com/aoa.html Cheers!
  3. Here's a Strength of Materials chart originally published by Pratt & Whitney in "The Aircraft Engine", included in (and lifted from) John Deakin's "Pelican's Perch #18" on AvWeb. http://www.avweb.com/news/pelican/182084-1.htm Puts into perspective why it is so important to maintain CHTs below 400dF for long cylinder life. CHEERS!
  4. Glad to hear the mag issues are resolved, Gary, and that she's running better than ever. I sure expected some noticeable CHT improvement with proper timing though. Not sure how much difference changing the plugs will make but from my own experience with leaking baffles I suspect replacing the front doghouse baffling will yield a remarkable improvement in CHT..... chip, chip, chip away! Do keep us informed of your progress; inquiring minds and all that! Cheers!
  5. Gary, any news on your CHT issue after getting the mag problem straightened out? Cheers!
  6. Holy Mackerel, that's incredible.... just jaw dropping incredible! No wonder you and we who've weighed in on the subject have been scratching heads! Does makes me feel a little better for sermonizing about a possible timing issue though. Sounds like your A&P is a whole bunch smarter than the so-called mechanic who did the mags earlier. Hope the entire CHT issue is then resolved, and we're looking forward to hearing the results. Cheers!
  7. Gary, have you had a chance to fly and evaluate your CHT situation since re-timing, including a JPI download? Cheers!
  8. I believe GAMI considers a spread greater than .5 to be prime a candidate for their unique fix. A spread of .2 or .3 is rather common after installing GAMIs in the IO-550 engine. Based on my experience with them in a P-Baron, I'll give GAMI a five-star rating. Cheers!.
  9. Gary, it will indeed be interesting to see the difference after re-timing. Do you know if your A&P is using a digital timing device? I ask because those are infinitely more accurate than other methods, particularly so is using the fairly new and simpler to use Rite-Systems kit -- http://www.ritesystem.net/index.htm Too, 17o & 18o BTC is quite retarded from 25o factory specs, thus I'd expect to see much higher EGTs and lower CHTs than yours show - exactly opposite of what I thought was going on in your situation - therefore my specific curiosity about how timing is being measured. Regardless of method, if you've not seen it done before and have opportunity to be there, it will be quite educational to observe the mag timing exercise in process. Cheers!
  10. Beyond assuring that your very expensive 930 is correct in all parameters, who really cares about % HP? Seriously...... MP, RPM, FF, CHT sure, but knowing the percent of horsepower that a given power setting produces has no practical value! My approach is to find the sweet spot for current conditions and fly that. Cheers
  11. Palm Beach Area Code is 561 Cheers!
  12. Guys & gals; There's a wonderful article by John Deakin posted on AvWeb in his "Pelican's Perch #18" titled "Mixture Magic" that deals with the entire combustion subject - fuel, timing etc. It's a hugely important tutorial for pilots all. Among other essential learning it contains a graph depicting what happens to cylinder materials when overheated - sobering stuff for those routinely seeing temps above 400oF. Enjoy the class! http://www.avweb.com/news/pelican/182084-1.html Cheers!
  13. Cheers! Jim
  14. Wow Kurt, those extremely high CHTs are horrible; no wonder you were near panic. 14 gph, full rich, WOT for a 180 hp engine is quite low; should be more like 16 -18 gph. Too, a properly set up fuel delivery system should yield EGTs in the neighborhood of 1200o - 1300o F. What kind of EGTs were you seeing both today and in those earlier scenarios? Good that you are having timing looked at. Surprisingly small advances in mag timing affects CHT adversely, yet timing seems a too frequently ignored troubleshooting item. Hope you get it all straightened out soon.... and please share your findings. Cheers
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