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Cockpit managment console.

I am looking at fabricating these to utilize the space between the seats, they will just set in place on rubber foot pads. Most likely be made out of sheet aluminum, water jet cut and then riveted together to keep things light and simple. looking for testing help and input.



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Oscar Avalle


One point to keep in mind: it should not interfer with the operation of the fuel selector



Which models? I can't see where to put this in my 231?



Molded plastic might be a better design as sheet aluminum could expose plenty of sharp corners .This could not be used on older models which have the J bar or trim wheel between the seats. Covers on the compartments would stop atricles from coming out during turbulence. Just my $.02



@rainman, its an adaptable concept. I would need to know the interior dimensions between your seats, pictures. location of trim control etc.

this is for a mid body F, but if I can get data for  short bodies with and without manual gear. mid bodies: F manual gear, J, K 231 K252.

And Long Bodies : Bravo, Ovation, Acclaim I can go from there.


@Mooney65E I agree injection (or heat molded) plastic might be better in the long run.  I have access to equipment that can make approximate 24x24 inch vacuum molds. So it would have to be modular, which may not be bad in the long run. But if its worth easing your mind, I can make it with rounded, if not plastic corners to protect fromt sharp edges and round off any exposed aluminum. I prefer the aluminum just because its a superior material in terms of quality. Plus, what looks better? I think most would go for the anodized aluminum with laser embossed finishing.  



Count me in also! Excellent idea to utilize that space! Do you have any dimensions? Any pics? Would it fit in the J without interfering with manual gear extension and gear down and locked lights on floor?



Also is there clearance for the manual trim wheel...201/Missile.



Glad you guys are liking this idea.

@PTK demensions of that drawing at 32 inches long, as its 36 inches between the rear seat bulkhead to the base of the pedestal in a mid body. Width, that was drawn at 4 inches, that might need to be tweaked. In an ideal world, I would like to get sectional charts to fit width wise, I might need to get creative and put those forward slots at a 45 degree angle, and reserve the remaining little triangular area for a flashlights and pens.   Height varies along the length obviously.  That was drawn at 8 inches at its tallest, which may be on the tall side, but thats easy to change.


No Pics as of yet. its just a cad drawing. Where is your manual gear extension? and I am planning on building them to clear Johnson Bars if equipt. fuel selectors if in the center of the floor, and not obstruct the down and locked indicator on the floor. 


@Bob Austin That was drawn to clear the trim wheel on my F, where is the trim wheel on your J/missile?



Also the cup holders were not dimensioned, They would only exist in that position and configuration if I can get the console 5.5 wide back there. although realistically, I might stagger them to open them up a bit to clear more than a sode can, maybe more like coffee mug, Reusable water bottle sized.

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