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Hey everyone!  I'm looking at doing my first flight (VRF) out of the US to the Bahamas from St. Louis.  I have my sticker from US Customs but have not placed it on the plane yet.  can anyone clarify where this is actually placed on the aircraft?


Also any pointers or tips is great!!!  I'm heading to Nassau as my destination....wouldn't mind island hopping one of the days.  Suggestions there?  Places to eat? diving locations etc....


Leaving Friday morning and returning on Monday!

Hey everyone!  I'm looking at doing my first flight (VRF) out of the US to the Bahamas from St. Louis.  I have my sticker from US Customs but have not placed it on the plane yet.  can anyone clarify where this is actually placed on the aircraft?
Also any pointers or tips is great!!!  I'm heading to Nassau as my destination....wouldn't mind island hopping one of the days.  Suggestions there?  Places to eat? diving locations etc....
Leaving Friday morning and returning on Monday!

Nice trip you are planning! With regard to your questions, put the sticker close to the door, as the CBP official will be able to see as soon as he gets close to the plane.

Island hopping there are some nice videos on YouTube that may give you some nice ideas.

Customs overall are not an issue as long as you follow the proper procedure. Most of it Is already online.



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29 minutes ago, Kefferch said:

can anyone clarify where this is actually placed on the aircraft?

If you have a nice paint job don't feel obligated to follow their instructions to the "T". I place mine directly below right side elevator just forward and adjacent to the rudder-empenage fiaring. That way I can simply point to it as we congregate at the baggage door exiting the aircraft. Only one CBP inspector has even commented about over 15 years ago, and that was in the days before eAPIS. eAPIS has the sticker/decal number on it, so I am not sure why we even need a visible decal on the plane in the post eAPIS era anyway. Put it were you want, just make it easy for him to see it. To me bending over isn't hard either :)

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Posted (edited)

Regarding sticker placement, I believe you're technically supposed to have it visible where passengers embark/disembark.  I put mine inside of my door frame so that it's visible from outside when the door is open, but not visible (from inside or outside of the airplane) when the door is closed.  You also don't have to worry about your paint job with this placement.

Edit: here's the verbiage from CBP.  It only has to be visible with the doors open:


Placement of Decals - Private Aircraft or Private Vessels

The User Fee decal for private aircraft and private vessels is to be affixed on the outside of the conveyance within 18 inches of the normal boarding area, where it is visible when doors/hatches are open.

Edited by aggiepilot04
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Foreflight still work and ADS-B functional flying to Bahamas?  Any recomendations on route to get to Nassau?  Should I follow the land masses?  This is my longest and furthest flight as well as my first outside of the US so theres a lot of uncertainty.  Also first time flying over a large body of water.


Posted (edited)

Foreflight should work. ADSB won't give you anything more than about 10-20miles off the Florida coast. You might see some airliners at 36000ft on it is all.

10 minutes ago, Kefferch said:

Any recomendations on route to get to Nassau?  Should I follow the land masses?  This is my longest and furthest flight as well as my first outside of the US so theres a lot of uncertainty.  Also first time flying over a large body of water.

Expect ANGEE Bahama Route 62V Freeport BR65V Nassau. Nassau is the only island on Bahamas with radar. Don't be surprised to have mandatory reporting points and a controller that just relays what you say to other aircraft. Do an oil change before you go, give the engine a good look over. Take lift jackets, raft, and a portable PLB (don't rely on your ELT alone because it won't help you when the plane sinks to the bottom of the ocean). Do a good run up, take it easy, fly the way you normally do (if you fly properly, if you don't then disregard that and fly properly). Don't sweat it too much, the Bahamians are pretty patient and easy going. It's the Americans you have to worry about when coming back.

Edited by 201er
3 minutes ago, 201er said:

Foreflight should work. ADSB won't give you anything more than about 10-20miles off the Florida coast. You might see some airliners at 36000ft on it is all.

Expect ANGEE Bahama Route 62V Freeport BR65V Nassau. Nassau is the only island on Bahamas with radar. Don't be surprised to have mandatory reporting points and a controller that just relays what you say to other aircraft. Do an oil change before you go, give the engine a good look over. Take lift jackets, raft, and a portable PLB (don't rely on your ELT alone because it won't help you when the plane sinks to the bottom of the ocean). Do a good run up, take it easy, fly the way you normally do (if you fly properly, if you don't then disregard that and fly properly). Don't sweat it too much, the Bahamians are pretty patient and easy going. It's the Americans you have to worry about when coming back.

I have life jackets but no raft or PLB.  I just recently had an oil change less than a few hours ago.  I'm not familiar with that route.  I've really only flown direct under flight following.  I'm assuming I'll be given vectors? 

Just now, Kefferch said:

I have life jackets but no raft or PLB.  I just recently had an oil change less than a few hours ago.  I'm not familiar with that route.  I've really only flown direct under flight following.  I'm assuming I'll be given vectors? 

They don't have radar so no vectors at any islands except Nassau. I'd rent a raft but you can go without one. I would be more concerned about no PLB. Say you ditch successfully and you're hanging out in the warm water with your stylish jackets, how are they gonna know where to serve you cocktails?

This one isn't too expensive, is a good year-round backup to your ELT, is portable and floats: http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/fbpages/ResQLinkplb.php?clickkey=16027

  • Like 3
Just now, 201er said:

They don't have radar so no vectors at any islands except Nassau. I'd rent a raft but you can go without one. I would be more concerned about no PLB. Say you ditch successfully and you're hanging out in the warm water with your stylish jackets, how are they gonna know where to serve you cocktails?

This one isn't too expensive, is a good year-round backup to your ELT, is portable and floats: http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/fbpages/ResQLinkplb.php?clickkey=16027

Not sure where I'd get one before Friday...ideas?

Just now, Kefferch said:

Not sure where I'd get one before Friday...ideas?

Stop by KFFC on the way in Georgia and get it as Aircraft Spruce.

  • Like 1
7 minutes ago, 201er said:

Stop by KFFC on the way in Georgia and get it as Aircraft Spruce.

Perfect just called them they are holding one for me, I'll pick it up on my way.

  • Like 2
Just now, Kefferch said:

Perfect just called them they are holding one for me, I'll pick it up on my way.

Make sure you leave yourself a little time to go online and register it with NOAA with your personal and emergency contact information. I would presume now that it's electronic that it should become active immediately.

Posted (edited)

I picked an IFR routing that kept me over land as much as possible and within gliding distance most of the time. The only change to my routing was my initial routing out of Fort Pierce which was not substantive. I was in radar contact virtually the entire time talking to Miami Center, except when I was abeam Nassau and then talking to Nassau Approach, until I passed Nassau headed for Long Island/Stella Maris on my last trip down. So I was only out of IFR radar for a short time closed my IFR with the runway in sight with Miami and got my pre-filed IFR with Miami right after departing Stella Maris upon getting to 6-7K' - not very high. But stay high enough to maintain radar contact.

Going VFR you can go however you want, certainly no need to go direct, unless you want too.

Controllers aren't legally able vector VFR traffic, only suggest headings.

I also highly recommend the PLB, plus especially with pax, I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to rent a raft at KFPR before heading out. Call ahead to reserve it, they make it easy to rent one and very reasonable. You should be able to find a PLB locally in St Louis.

Edited by kortopates
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Please take all the suggestions for a PLB and Raft seriously, your family and/or VIP pax have all their trust in you to provide the safest outcome.

Besides, carrying the raft almost guarantees it won't be needed!

Have a blast, I am sure you will!

Edited by kortopates
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

Make sure you brief you passenger(s) about operating the raft, jackets, and PLB. They are useless if you can't use them properly. If you were in the situation to need them, you'd have your hands full with the airplane. Not the time to think how to use them. Forming a plan in advance is best.

If you have multiple passengers, assign a single emergency task to each so that there is less to remember and more gets done. Read the instructions for the PLB and make sure you brief the designated operator how it is done. Same with life jackets, raft, etc.

Edited by 201er
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It'll just be myself and one other passenger this trip.  I did purchase a PLB as you advised to do and will pick it up on my way.

I'm currently in eAPIS and filled out my information.  Do I list my passenger as crew??

2 hours ago, daver328 said:

1. At APP Jet Center KFRP, you can rent a four person raft $125 for a week. (Other Airports FBOs do too I imagine?) That's what we did before buying one. There's a Restaurant in the FBO ... so it makes for a nice fuel/eat/potty stop. I also recommend clearing US Customs at KFRP. Call them to verify your arrival- 24-1 hour prior to returning. Get the Officers initials. Don't get there before they open at 10:00am. I always call before 18:00 the night before.

I'm looking for KFRP on Foreflight and I'm not seeing it listed....was this a typo?




5 minutes ago, Kefferch said:

It'll just be myself and one other passenger this trip.  I did purchase a PLB as you advised to do and will pick it up on my way.

I'm currently in eAPIS and filled out my information.  Do I list my passenger as crew??

Passenger = Passenger

KFPR = Fort Pierce


Ok....I'm bring about $400 in cash. Should be good?  I have my forms and I did download a checklist.

I'm trying to plan my fuel stops and because I'm flying VFR how committed am I to this eAPIS?  What if I get delayed? Should I wait to fill this out? Trying to figure out what my departure location will be and I see there is a POTUS TFR around Miami that looks like it will be active as I'm heading to the Bahamas. Should I be concerned?


1 minute ago, Kefferch said:

Ok....I'm bring about $400 in cash. Should be good?  I have my forms and I did download a checklist.

I'm trying to plan my fuel stops and because I'm flying VFR how committed am I to this eAPIS?  What if I get delayed? Should I wait to fill this out? Trying to figure out what my departure location will be and I see there is a POTUS TFR around Miami that looks like it will be active as I'm heading to the Bahamas. Should I be concerned?


Buy your fuel in the US. It's almost always more expensive, more hectic, and more time consuming abroad (and cash only). If you should get fuel abroad, never let them fill your plane without you standing present. Verify that they are putting avgas and not jeta. Bahamas are used to small planes but still keep an eye on it.

Your bigger concern should be going VFR. I know it's probably too late to hear this, but get your IFR ticket. It's kinda stupid to be flying over water and remote places without instrument capability. There is usually some scattered to broken cloud cover there any time. Being forced to stay below might keep you at 2-4000ft. Getting locked on top is dangerous. IFR also makes crossing borders more simple. You're going to need to file an ICAO ADIZ international flight plan. I have done some VFR flying in the Caribbean but most of the time if I can't see the next island from where I'm departing, I want to be IFR. Most of my flights to or crossing the Bahamas required or were greatly improved by being IFR.

I think it is more responsible to be IFR trained, qualified, current, and capable before going international. Most of it applies directly to being IFR but some of it applies indirectly. Being more refined, meticulous, and aware of the entire airspace system is pretty important. In some places, the controllers don't really understand the difference between IFR/VFR (again Bahamas not too bad). Even if you're VFR, they may forget and assign you to go to an IFR fix or say things that may be confusing without IFR knowledge. The weather reporting can be lacking so being IFR capable is useful. Also flying in mild visibility over open water can be a cause for loss of control due to flight into actual instrument conditions (although it's VMC).

Is it possible to safely fly to the Bahamas VFR? Yeah, I think so. Would I do that flight VFR regardless of the weather? Nope.

I usually do the eApis the night before. It is a really really frustrating system. Leave yourself a lot of time for password recovery, filling it multiple times when it messes up, etc. I would just submit a new one if I got delayed (hey, if you're delayed then you must have time).


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2 minutes ago, 201er said:

I'm in the process of getting IFR certified.  Working towards it but not completed.  I've been paying close attention to the weather and I plan on getting topped off with fuel before leaving the US so I have enough fuel to turn around and make it back without any issues should they arise.  I'm trying to be extra cautious.  I'll top off at KFPR.  That gives me ~ 6 hours of fuel.



Just now, Kefferch said:

I'm in the process of getting IFR certified.  Working towards it but not completed.  

You don't have to justify it to me. Just be careful.

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