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I've written here before that four of my closest friends are physicians and not one of them has ever told me that they are stifling under federal, or even state, control. When you say this I really don't know what you are talking about. They go into their office each day, or make their hospital rounds, and do what they do. I've not once heard any of them complain over dinner that Washington has intruded into their practice to the point where they want to walk away.


Speaking of predictions, wasn't it the GOP that said that as a result of ACA that there would be a massive number of doctors leaving the field? Thus far none of my friends are even contemplating it, as a matter of fact, they have never been busier.


There always all these doctors retiring early and/or leaving their practices, which means, either:


-they are about to serve me my morning latte, as doctors are pretty much un employable in any other field, other than medicine...


-or they make way too much money, if they can just drop everything and retire early...


The only thing I've ever heard my doc friends bitch about, actually, is insurance companies and Dr. Oz and his ilk...


Well, actually, I highly doubt I will be questioning anyone on my last day as my brain cells will begin to die within minutes of my ticker giving out which at best will make me dead, at worst, a regressive, which would be my idea of hell...



And as you drift off and take your last breaths you discover with your last remaining neurons that - there is nothing else and that this life on earth was all there was and there's (gasp) no higher authority? All those religious wars and arguments over the millennia were for nothing. 


Could happen.


 Free birth control! Yeaahhhhhh!!!!! Because we all know, once the government "fixes" something ...


Never understood the term "free birth control" as it relates to ACA. The government is not paying for it, it's a benefit covered by the insurer. What really confuses me is that my and my wifes health plans has always covered these items. So what's the fuss all about?


It was a simple example of a health care practice working in a capitalistic system without government intrusion ... sorry it didn't fit your "moderate" narrative ...

Last I heard, all you "moderates" we're up in arms that our health care system was broken nearly beyond repair and the government needed to fix it? And whatever crap Obama and his staff made up the following week, was exactly right and what we needed to fix it. Free birth control! Yeaahhhhhh!!!!! Because we all know, once the government "fixes" something ... It stays "fixed" for a long time!

Now with Obamacare ... It's nearly perfect! Any problems with our healthcare happened before (da-da-da-DaaAaaaHHH) (regal trumpets sounding) Obamacare ...

Really now?


Nothing stays fixed for a long time. Doesn't matter who built it, it don't stay fixed. Things evolve, things decay. You seem to live in a lot more absolutes than I. There is none in my life, because my point of view changes as I am presented with evidence. You appear to find anecdotes to validate your point of view. Mine is reality based. Your nurse friend can probably function just fine, in cash only environment, dealing with scrapes and bruisers and usual day to day health concerns but for 99% of the population, cash basis quits working the second cancer rears its ugly head. How do you propose little Timmy's dad pays for little Timmy childhood leukemia. Even if little Timmy's dad and mom make the national medium income of fifty some thousand a year (aka my annual bar tab), there is no way they could ever swing for it. Little Timmy is dead. Healthcare will always be "socialized", be it either via a single payer system or private health insurance system, it's still "socialized", because major illness is random. It is unlike most other businesses because it's unpredictable. What is so hard to understand about that? 


Simply question, none of you are willing to answer:


-if little Timmy gets leukemia and his parents are too poor to afford treatment, do we, as a society have any responsibility for little Timmy, or should we just let him die. I use childhood leukemia as an example, as it's common, expensive to treat but has great success rates.


It was a simple example of a health care practice working in a capitalistic system without government intrusion ... sorry it didn't fit your "moderate" narrative ...

Last I heard, all you "moderates" we're up in arms that our health care system was broken nearly beyond repair and the government needed to fix it? And whatever crap Obama and his staff made up the following week, was exactly right and what we needed to fix it. Free birth control! Yeaahhhhhh!!!!! Because we all know, once the government "fixes" something ... It stays "fixed" for a long time!

Now with Obamacare ... It's nearly perfect! Any problems with our healthcare happened before (da-da-da-DaaAaaaHHH) (regal trumpets sounding) Obamacare ...

Really now?


It did fix quite a few things and then broke few others. I believe it fixed more than it broke. Our rates for all our small groups went down. I have no idea what people are talking about when they claim small ma and pa businesses have been forced onto the exchanges. Even my smallest company, 3 employees have remained as an independent group and our premiums have actually gone down last 2 years in the row and as per conversation with my benefit manager, nothing is changing and nothing is going to change. Nobody is forcing us onto any exchanges and we have remained on BCBS in all companies I'm involved with. Smallest being 3, largest group being about 80.


Nothing stays fixed for a long time. Doesn't matter who built it, it don't stay fixed. Things evolve, things decay. You seem to live in a lot more absolutes than I. There is none in my life, because my point of view changes as I am presented with evidence. You appear to find anecdotes to validate your point of view. Mine is reality based. Your nurse friend can probably function just fine, in cash only environment, dealing with scrapes and bruisers and usual day to day health concerns but for 99% of the population, cash basis quits working the second cancer rears its ugly head. How do you propose little Timmy's dad pays for little Timmy childhood leukemia. Even if little Timmy's dad and mom make the national medium income of fifty some thousand a year (aka my annual bar tab), there is no way they could ever swing for it. Little Timmy is dead. Healthcare will always be "socialized", be it either via a single payer system or private health insurance system, it's still "socialized", because major illness is random. It is unlike most other businesses because it's unpredictable. What is so hard to understand about that? 


Simply question, none of you are willing to answer:


-if little Timmy gets leukemia and his parents are too poor to afford treatment, do we, as a society have any responsibility for little Timmy, or should we just let him die. I use childhood leukemia as an example, as it's common, expensive to treat but has great success rates.


Well said. Glad I'm not the only one that feels this way. Life is kind of strange and as you know, turns on a dime. One day my brother is taking a shower and feels a lump under his armpit and two years later he's in the ground. His diagnosis of malignant melanoma came totally out of left field, one day he was a hard working American taxpayer doing right by his wife and daughter, laughing, going about his daily routine as each and every one of us does, the next he enters the American healthcare system and wakes up to a new reality for which he had never given one minute of thought about in his entire life because he was always healthy as an ox.


I guess you just have to live through it.


Where are you guys on this topic....

A guy falls down on the street while jogging...

His only ID is a wedding ring. No indication never mind proof of insurance.

Do you take him to the hospital?

Do you dial 911?

The following is a tad cruel...

"Well, actually, I highly doubt I will be questioning anyone on my last day as my brain cells will begin to die within minutes of my ticker giving out which at best will make me dead, at worst, a regressive, which would be my idea of hell..."

The hospital is over a half hour away.

Who is going to do the 50 minutes of CPR that may be required?

Who would pay for that?

Would you proudly walk away knowing that there is nothing you could to for him?

Best regards,



Where are you guys on this topic....

A guy falls down on the street while jogging...

His only ID is a wedding ring. No indication never mind proof of insurance.

Do you take him to the hospital?

Do you dial 911?

The following is a tad cruel...

"Well, actually, I highly doubt I will be questioning anyone on my last day as my brain cells will begin to die within minutes of my ticker giving out which at best will make me dead, at worst, a regressive, which would be my idea of hell..."

Best regards,





I'm not going to dig thru the dude's pants to look for a proof of insurance before calling 911, but then I don't know how you guys do things in NJ ;-) What if the guy is wearing "Mitt for president" T-Shirt? Now, there is a dilemma.


Free B-C. Funny story. We paid a holy mint for health ins. and my wife had a $10 deductible for pills. One month before the 2012 election, miraculously, suddenly, my wife's refills were all free!!!! We were paying nearly $2k a month health insurance for a healthy family of 6 and my wife wife went ballistic. Free PILLS????? Really??? I'd rather pay for them!!! She wouldn't leave until she paid her ten bucks, but the pharmacist said his hands were tied. True story, ya gotta love it.


Free B-C. Funny story. We paid a holy mint for health ins. and my wife had a $10 deductible for pills. One month before the 2012 election, miraculously, suddenly, my wife's refills were all free!!!! We were paying nearly $2k a month health insurance for a healthy family of 6 and my wife wife went ballistic. Free PILLS????? Really??? I'd rather pay for them!!! She wouldn't leave until she paid her ten bucks, but the pharmacist said his hands were tied. True story, ya gotta love it.


Your wife deprived you of 1.5 gallons of 100LL at the time.


Time for me to chime in again to say that "health care is a problem that Canada and virtually every other country in the developed world has solved".


What's taking ya'll so long to figure it out?


He was jogging in his mid 40’s...

No pants to dig through, no phone on his person, nothing...

What do you do?


What do you mean what do I do. I call 911 then start giving CPR. That's what I'd do. Not a doctor, but I did take a wilderness medicine course, so CPR is the least I can do.


Why is the guy jogging without any pants on?


Here's the deal Anthony  (btw...enjoyed meeting you at lunch the other day), there always seems to be a someone who needs the self affirmation of being above the fray, while wallowing in it. It's a political thread, it keeps the other threads clean and serves whatever purpose it does. The only thing worse, are the few passers by who feel the need to prop themselves up. Jump in, argue on merit, or move on. We value your thought, if it isn't a means buy which you credit yourself.


As the great Stephen King defended his writings at the end of one of his introductions, "Why do people slow down to look at car accidents"?


Time for me to chime in again to say that "health care is a problem that Canada and virtually every other country in the developed world has solved".


What's taking ya'll so long to figure it out?


Because it's America. To quote Winston Churchill: "you can always count on America to do the right thing, after they exhausted all other possibilities"


He was jogging in his mid 40’s...

No pants to dig through, no phone on his person, nothing...

What do you do?

 Btw...pick him up, put him on my back and carry him to the emergency room.


Maybe you would suggest that he gets one of these if he survives the hospital experience...


Tell him to get his collesterol checked...

Tell him to see a better doctor...

Swear at the other guy online...

Insult him and a holy book or two.

Mention gays aren't invited and slavery is...

I see that it is a good place for building debating skills and experience.

But it is falling down to mention taboo issues in an errant way when they are inappropriate.

Why does this have a place in Mooney Space?

What if I mis-understood what you typed?

I've tried every day for 134 pages...

Being part of this conversation is uncomfortable at best.



Maybe you would suggest that he gets one of these if he survives the hospital experience...


Tell him to get his collesterol checked...

Tell him to see a better doctor...

Swear at the other guy online...

Insult him and a holy book or two.

Mention gays aren't invited and slavery is...

I see that it is a good place for building debating skills and experience.

But it is falling down to mention taboo issues in an errant way when they are inappropriate.

Why does this have a place in Mooney Space?

What if I mis-understood what you typed?

I've tried every day for 134 pages...

Being part of this conversation is uncomfortable at best.



Cannot separate one from the other anymore. When they started preaching how to vote form the pulpit and created an unholy alliance of trinity and GOP, the holy book or two became par for the course. When the good book is used as a diversionary tactic by throwing issues on a ballot at each election to limit rights of our fellow citizens, it needs to be pointed out for what it is.


I find it hilarious how many people are now all "Je suis Charlie". Maybe they should take a look or do a google image search. Charlie happens to be one of the most leftists, anti-religious newspapers in the world. How about punching in "Charlie Hebdo Trinity" into google image search. You might just return saying "Je ne suis pas Charlie Hebdo".


Scott knew what he was doing when he originally posted this and knew it was going to bring out the worst in people. Keeps this shit off the rest of the board.



It was pleasant to meet you as well.

As you can see, MS people are much better live and in person.

The web can't do the justice that is required, for what Timmy is going to need.

Best regards,



No, it's not the web. You know what this thread is when you enter it. Not offering solutions doesn't provide the means to find them. Esoterics questioning value judgements is a poor supplemnt, seem reasonable?


Would never!!! Hoist him on my back, take him to the ER. But I wouldn't help him fill out the paperwork.  ;)


Keep in mind that if you made his condition worse, he'd come after you.




I find it hilarious how many people are now all "Je suis Charlie". Maybe they should take a look or do a google image search. Charlie happens to be one of the most leftists, anti-religious newspapers in the world. How about punching in "Charlie Hebdo Trinity" into google image search. You might just return saying "Je ne suis pas Charlie Hebdo".



Symbolism? Group hug? Great quote:


"Forgive me if a march for unity leaves me cold. It should be a march for war. This is not a time for a call for unity under the guise of tolerance, but for a unity of will – a collective fortitude necessary to destroy a movement that wants to destroy us. Most people get this. The media, not so much".





Now, Gutfeld is half nuts, but like anything....if you stab in the dark long enough, you'll hit it.

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