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  1. This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA.
  2. Flying a Mooney Ovation is a great experience. I am blessed to be part of the Mooney Community! This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA.
  3. I just Love this Bird! This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA.
  4. If anyone has any question you can E-Mail me at PilotFun101@gmail.com. Some people are complaining about the links I usually post for easy information. If you would like Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Took Joe to Blairstown for some breakfast. Sorry for any language I might have missed editing this video Mooney is flying great! I just love this bird. Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101
  5. If you would like to help support PilotFun101 check out our website HERE at https://pilotfun101.com/ for MERCH E-Mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Fun flight to Columbia County from Orange County. Flight following out of NY. If you can get a WAAS unit it will be worth the extra money! Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@pilotfun101?l... Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA. #PilotFun101 #Mooney #Dynon
  6. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Great Training and Dedication will make you pass!! Trust Me! Thank you for all your support and E-mails. Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@pilotfun101?l... Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA.
  7. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Took over 25 minuets to get my clearance at Orange County (MGJ) Frequency and phone number was down. This is my 1st Hard IFR flight to Columbia County (1B1) with no autopilot. Lots going on at once. Be ahead of your plane. I had a great learning experience on this flight. Thanks for Flying Along! If you would like to help support PilotFun101 check out our website HERE at https://pilotfun101.com/ for MERCH E-Mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@pilotfun101?l... T ransponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA. #IFR #PilotFun101 #Mooney
  8. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Fun flight back to Orange County Airport from Columbia County Airport. Always be ahead of your plane. Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@pilotfun101?l... Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA. #6887N #Mooney #Dynon
  9. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! My 1st flight as a instrument Rated Pilot!! I filed from Orange County to Columbia County. I want to thank all of my aviation families for your support and help. A special Thank You to Mike Ryan my instructor! He trained me to be a better and safer pilot! Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 roudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@pilotfun101?l... Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA.
  10. If you would like to help support PilotFun101 check out our website HERE at https://pilotfun101.com/ for MERCH E-Mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Are student pilots and some Private Pilots afraid of ATC? Is that one of the reason you don't call them and avoid towered airports? I been there! I am going to show you how easy it is and how ATC will not rip your head off. Fog rolled in fast at Columbia County 1B1. Had to go around and use RWY 21 instead of RWY 3. Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Aerocreeper - https://aerocreeper.com Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@pilotfun101?l... Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA. #PilotFun101 #Dynon #YouTube
  11. If you would like to help support PilotFun101 check out our website HERE at https://pilotfun101.com/ for MERCH E-Mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Fun flight back to Orange County from Columbia County. Touch & Go at Orange County! Flight following out of Albany. Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... AeroCreeper - https://aerocreeper.com/ Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@pilotfun101?l... Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA.
  12. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Good practice flight to Block Island (BID) down to Minimums RWY 28. RNAV LPV approach gets you down lower then a nan LPV. My instructor Mike was along and like always a great teacher. Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@pilotfun101?l... Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA.
  13. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! OSH21 was an awesome time line always. We ended up leaving a day early due to bad weather in Orange County KMGJ on Thursday and the OSH airshow/fireworks was canceled Wednesday night do to bad weather. So no lose for us. If you have not gone to OHS you must put it in your bucket list and go! You will not be disappointed. I hope in enjoy the video. I did not get much content due to weather and other forums I had to attend. Thanks for Flying Along! If you would like to help support PilotFun101 check out our website HERE at https://pilotfun101.com/ for MERCH Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Aerocreeper - https://aerocreeper.com/ Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@pilotfun101?l... Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA.
  14. If you would like to help support PilotFun101 check out our website HERE at https://pilotfun101.com/ for MERCH E-Mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Fun flight with Mike for IFR training! Orange County (KMGJ) to Columbia County (1B1). The Dynon SkyView HDX & the IFD 540 is a perfect combo. I did get singed off that day and now waiting on my check Ride. Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@pilotfun101?l... Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA. #PilotFun101 #MooneyM20C #IFR
  15. If you would like to help support PilotFun101 check out our website HERE at https://pilotfun101.com/ for MERCH Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Fun flight from Blairstown to Orange County. Dynon SkyView best glass for the Mooney. Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) E-mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok @PilotFun101 Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction.
  16. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Fun flight with Olive to Blairstown Airport. Had breakfast at Donnas Runway Cafe. Great food and staff. ADS-B is a good thing? The New GA? The Mooney is flying great after the annual. She just needed sneakers. Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) E-mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. TikTok @PilotFun101 GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. #Mooney #Dynon #ADS-B
  17. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! I flew down to N87 with another Mooney Pilot in formation. There is nothing like 2 Mooney's flying together. What great planes! Talked a little about Dynon's Autopilot. **Reminder** June 12th from 11a-3p is our fly-in. Come join the fun! Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 If you would like to help support PilotFun101 check out our website HERE at https://pilotfun101.com/ for MERCH Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) E-mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction.
  18. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Fun flight from Columbia County (1B1) to Orange County (KMGJ). Flight following is easy to request. ATC are awesome people who just try to help. The Dynon SkyView HDX is a great tool in the cockpit. Fly-In Date 6-12-2021 11a-3p. Bring the whole family! If you would like to help support PilotFun101 check out our website HERE at https://pilotfun101.com/ for MERCH Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) E-mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction.#PilotFun101 #DynonSkyView #MooneyM20C
  19. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Fun flight from Orange County (KMGJ) to Columbia County (1B1). How easy it is to send your flight plan from Foreflight to the IFD540. Can you swap SkyView screens in flight? You sure can! Thanks for Flying Along! If you would like to help support PilotFun101 check out our website HERE at https://pilotfun101.com/ for MERCH Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) E-mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction.
  20. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Fun flight to WINGS (KLOM) airport! Brought Olive along for the ride. Flight following and overview of Dynon SkyView HDX. Awesome Full Glass Panel. Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 If you would like to help support PilotFun101 check out our website HERE at https://pilotfun101.com/ for MERCH CO Detector - https://www.amazon.com/Aircraft-Monox... Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) E-mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. #PilotFun101 #MooneyM20C #SkyViewHDX
  21. 1968 Mooney M20C Ranger. The best all around aircraft in its class? Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! A little walk around of my MooneyM20C ranger. Somethings you should know. Thanks for watching! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) E-mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. #MooneyM20CRanger #N6887N #PilotFun101
  22. Orange County Airport Fly-In BBQ 6/12/2021 11a to 3p! Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Fun flight to Sky Acres from Westfield. Fill up with some cheap full at Sky Acres. Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) E-mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. #MooneyFun #FlyDynon
  23. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Fun flight following (well trying to follow) an RV-10 to Westfield. Cool airport and a great place to eat. Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) E-mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. #PilotFun101 #RV-10 #MooneyM20C
  24. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! What a flight! Busy ATC along with bumps, Wind, and cant hear ATC. Busy Orange County Airport (KMGJ) and windy but fun landing. Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/headphones/aviation_headsets.html Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) E-mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. #Mooney #PilotFun101
  25. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Awesome flight from Sky Manor to Sky Acres. Bumpy flight but always a fun flight. LOL. Had lunch at Sky Cafe. Always great food and staff! Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) E-mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. #PilotFun101 #MooneyM20C #N6887N
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