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Everything posted by AcclaimML

  1. dude, that is one sweet panel. I have a G1000 ---but i think yours may be better. very impressive.
  2. dude, that is one sweet panel. I have a G1000 ---but i think yours may be better. very impressive.
  3. Kudos to you for staying safe and in your comfort zone. If you'd practiced approach to short final at those speeds and knew what to expect. Maybe then you could feel a bit let down. But your job as a pilot isn't style points. It's to fly and land safely. For you and your loved ones. Just IMHO
  4. "Life is like a box of chocolates. Ya never know what your gonna get" - Forrest Gump
  5. And may the shinny side always be up!
  6. Thanks, doing just that, and having a total blast! Merry Christmass and Happy New Year to all.
  7. Congratulations ! Just had mine rebuilt also. It's a great feeling. To break her in right. Whatch the cht's drop as she breaks in and oil consumption stabolizes. Good luck. Let us Know how she progresses.
  8. LOL! I hate it when I do fun wrong!
  9. Now that's funny. LOL!
  10. It was free and I knew it'd be a challenge. He offered. My sister and brother-in-law have been in the FAA 20+ years each. One's an accident investigator. They thought I bailed when I got my ticket with a DPE. With Atlanta just a short flight away, David Klingler at Fulton county checked me out.
  11. Oh well...a literature major I am not
  12. Well back again. Flew again all 4 directions regardless of direction, rudder trim set to neutral ( confirmed on the ground- remember g1000 indicator is off). She was like a train on rails. Took quite a while before I needed to intervene, even in a bank. Sweet! Not a rigging problem.
  13. Come on guys. No need to insult my flying skills. With a cross wind to the path of flight the AP WILL add a crab into the wind- but it leaves you uncoordinated. GPS or not, I don't like flying with the ball uncentered ( not to mention u lose a knot or 2 that way). So then I add rudder trim In MANUALLY. To center the ball. Also, my G1000 incorrectly depicts the rudder trim 1/2 of full to the left. Mechanically the rudder is fine. I am a bit disappointed at the tone of some of the posters here. I am certainly not the best pilot here but not the worst either. I did my transition training with Corbin Halerin of Premiere and is their saftey expert. He praised my stick and rudder skills. Not to mention I passed my biannual review with a FAA examiner at Fulton county during non-stop light to moderate turbulence ( 2 hours under the hood). He could find no faults. Would it be too much to soften the pre judgements just cause I may not be explaining this rudder trim issue to everyone's satisfaction?
  14. That sounds great! Unfortunately, I'm on call this weekend- Friday when I get back. But I'd definitely take a rain check. Mike
  15. Yeah me too. But I knew the plane was right otherwise. Course I have to brag again- flew from Pell City, Al to Austin, Tx in 3 hours 12minutes! This is just amazing to me the speed this Acclaim has. True I was fortunate no to have too much of a headwind. But still... I'm just really giddy with what this bird can do- and very comfortably too! (Sorry folks ill stop bragging and gushing about my plane).
  16. I think I'd have to change my shorts after that landing.
  17. Just my 2 cents, any plane is a big financial undertaking to buy and to keep airworthy. No PI by a mechanic of your choosing? I'd run the other way from that deal. Just MHO.
  18. Well everyone. Roberto is right. Misaligned sensor on the rudder trim servo. Checked the rigging with my AP today. All perfect. But the G1000 indicator show 1/2 full left rudder when there is none. Don't understand how it can be that off but it is. Then plane itself ...is like a dream. Now that I have the landings dialed in and greasing in more often than not, I just absolutely love flying it. So the rudder sensor will be added to the list for the IFR cert in a few months. Thanks to those sharp eyes for pointing the rudder position issue out. Kinda humbling when folks are sharp enough to pick up stuff like that.
  19. I guess your pointing out the rudder and Hesse rudder trim is connected to the nose wheel. My transition trained recommend against using it on the ground without using my foot to reduce the torque on the motor servo. He said it was a good way to burn it up by overloading the servo. Quite honestly, I have no ideas how much torque it can handle, but with adjusting the trim on the ground. Aren't you just getting mostly nose wheel inputs? Either way. I plan on centering the trim on the G1000 in the hanger and then we'll see what we got. It should be aligned with the vehicle stabilizer. If not its an indicator issue- no biggie. If its lined up the only other thing I can think of is to jack her up and retract the wheels. Maybe something isn't closing properly. More to follow.
  20. Exactly. Except no crab here just some same side rudder obviating any aileron to the same side.
  21. Image one shows the rudder trim on the engine page at the bottom pitch on the right edge with the small blue arrows. The image on the right is the pfd notice the nose is into the wind wings level. And to those who asked the rudder is motorized but not tied to the GFC auto pilot. Now I guess there maybe some inaccuracy with the digital representation on the G1000. But I was definitely faster coordinated with the rudder trim. Will find out tomorrow.
  22. Maybe I do have a rigging problem. But I do exactly as you describe above. But the only time I've ever not had at least some rudder either left or right was when I had negligible cross winds either way during a high speed cruise. . On the day I described initially , was actually two flights in opposite directions in similar conditions. I has some right rudder on the first leg but was flying slower and had only a 10 knot crosswind. Then as folks have pointed out I had a lot of left rudder on returning. But I didn't think too much about it as this was the highest, fastest I've flown the Acclaim and in those types of winds. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I see the same behavior in the TC Saratoga and the DA40. Oh heck. I guess I'll just have to take her up and check her out! While I'm at it ill get the rigging checked too. Starting to get a complex guys
  23. Congrats! What a beautiful machine. The paint looks like its in great shape- recently repainted? Many happy fight hours to you!
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