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Everything posted by MooneyMark

  1. Ha, those are the same people my tech is dealing with at the moment. Good to know, thanks!
  2. Well, they checked the barrels and there is no excessive oil, and the exhaust before the turbo is clean. So the oil is added to the exhaust at the turbo. The checkvalves have been fitted correctly I am assured. They know about the specifics concerning their fitment and they have been leak tested overnight, so the valves are good, and fitted correctly. I've sent an e-mail to mr. Mike Busch by the way, but never got a reply. Next thing on the list is checking the scavenge pump... If the the pump is okay, maybe then it's time to take of the turbo for a rebuild?
  3. Thanks again to all who took the time to reply! I have taken in your advice and I'll talk it through with my mechanic again.
  4. I think you're somewhat conservative. I see this as a nuisance, and although not good, as long as there is enough oil in the sump I'm flying. In my years of ownership she always marked her spot in this way in some degree.
  5. Although I'm not at all sure, I take it my tech checked proper fitment of the checkvalves. I pointed them in that direction and he also mailed with Mooney concerning this matter, and he said they're okay and fitted correctly. I would just love to pop of the cowling and check it all myself, but I've decided to leave it to the pro's. I am wondering how 'pro' he is though, cuz he billed me one hour labor for swapping the landinglight... This I will do myself next time. So assuming the checkvalves are okay and the crankcase pressure is high, but within limits (they check this with an old ASI... never knew!) then that leaves the valvestem seals. Need to check if they did the boroscope.
  6. Did a couple of flights the last few weeks and I didn't have to add oil yet, but she still lubes the gear door. The pic is from the door after taxiing to the fuelstation. After a flight it's clean. I suggested to my tech to give Mike Busch a call.
  7. Isn't it? Googled the registration and found very little, but someone wrote about flying with N100HQ to Templehof (Berlin), just before the airport closed for good in 2008.
  8. Some stories have a happy end tho... The US 1.000,00 Cherokee I follow the blog written by the owner: this old cherokee
  9. This is N100HQ, left to rot years ago in plain view of the family M20K 252 at our home base Teuge (EHTE). I try to cover her eyes and tell her not too look, when we taxi past, but the hard questions always come sooner or later, sometimes even right during the take-off roll. Then I tell her to be the pro that she is, and adhere to the sterile cockpit policy and save the questions for cruise, and often but not always she has forgotten already.
  10. Just a small update to tell you there isn't anything to tell you yet. Didn't do any flying this month... Few flights planned but all had to be cancelled due to the lovely Dutch weather...
  11. Flew for a little bit last Sunday and she still flings out oil like nothing else. It could be because they tinkered with her and there's still oil left in the turbo, then next time will be better. I hope I can squeeze in some extra flighttime this week and make sure. Does anybody have a pic of correctly mounted checkvalves?
  12. Thank you! Yup thats oil (and me in the right seat) Turbo's are pretty straightforward in theory, but to make 'em work they way they should involves quite a bit of engineering (obviously). I'm learning along the way!
  13. Thanks Clarence! Frieslân Boppe I guess they could see the valve dishes with the boroscope and if they are oiled up we've got our culprit. Because the Mooner hardly takes oil in cruise, I don't believe the seals are worn, but who knows for sure. I've pointed my tech in the direction of the check/returnvalves, I've got a feeling we could be on to something with those. Again, who knows? All your input is much appreciated! I'll keep you guys/galls posted!
  14. Thanks Steve, that's exactly the same problem. The checkvalves? Could they be the returnvalves my mechanic was talking about? It's in the shop right now and they're checking the pistonrings with the boroscope, I've pointed them to the valvestem seals and they'll check that out too.
  15. Thanks for taking the time Peter! Don't think that has been checked, but worn intakevalve seals would also mean oil consumption in cruise, I guess? Oil on the geardoor looks pretty fresh actually. I'll discuss it anyway, one more thing to cross of the list!
  16. Hello everybody, Was wondering if any of you have a clue on the following: our M20K 252 has always used one quart of oil every 5 to 6 hours, but consumption is up lately and I'm guessing it's turbo related. Every cold start leaves a significant greasespot on the tarmac and keeps the hangar door wel lubed too. It doesn't seem to leak excessively when standing still, my guess is most oil gets used right after starting. Flew from Holland to Vienna a few weeks back and during cruise it hardly uses any oil. My mechanic isn't sure what's causing this. I'm not that technical, but I understand he replaced the oil return valves leading to/from the turbo, he suspects that the turbo is flooding with oil that is spat out when started. I can second that. These valves should keep the turbo from flooding with oil. But new valves didn't fix the problem. Our 252 always left some oil on the right nose gear door since we got it in 2000, and the turbo has been replaced once due to that. Neither a new turbo nor valves fixed the issue. My mechanic speculates it could be the scavenge oilpump not doing it's job properly our even addional oil gets forced into the turbo due to excessive crankcasepressure. He suggests to check that pressure. I think this trial and error game could be a costly one and was wondering if any of you have dealt with this? Kind regards from Holland! Mark
  17. I was wondering if anyone here has upgraded his or her EASA reg M20K 252 to the Encore spec?
  18. Hello, a Mooney flyer from Holland checking in. I fly a M20K 252 it's co-owned by my family for over 14 years. Together with my father and a good friend I've been flying the 252 over Europe between Sardinia, The Canary Isles and Copenhagen and a lot in between. I've visited this forum the past year a few times to get some help concerning a faulty voltage regulator and a defective cowlflap actuator. A very helpful and knowledgeable bunch of people! Happy flying!
  19. Thanks for the usefull replies! Mooney had two on the shelf, and FFM also came up with the suggestion of sending it to Globe, for me that would have been the way forward. My tech had ordered one via WBParts in august (!) that's now being delivered finaly so I can stop my efforts. He'll probably be paying through his nose tho, glad I'm not the one picking up the bill. Happy landings! Mark
  20. The cowl flap actuator of our M20K 252 has a malfunction. The electric motor is fine, but the attached reduction gearbox is not. Two cogs snapped off and we need them replaced. This happend while the plane was in maintenance. The maintenance shop has not been able to source a new part. Does anyone know if this part is interchangeable with older/newer Mooney's. I've just mailed Florida Flight Maintenance that helped me out with the voltage regulator too, but maybe some of you here have experience with this rather unique problem, or maybe even have the parts required. Happy landings! Mark
  21. You'll probably have read this, but it gives some nice insight in how good the 252 is. http://www.mooneypilots.com/mapalog/M20K252_evaluation_report.htm Currently investigating the possibilty of selling the 252 for an Ovation, Bravo or an Acclaim even. But taking all things in to account the 252 is pretty competitive still. Concerning the cabin size: I'm 6'8" and I fit easily in the front of the 252 and somewhat less easily in the back. I have spent up to four hours on end there without any (lasting) discomfort . The turbo gives great climb performance, I guess I'll miss that if trading up for an Ovation especially after passing FL100. I'd love to fly out and help you decide, but it's a bit out of my way. Good luck with the decision!
  22. Thanks for the replies. The 252 remains an exceptonial little airplane. She isn't getting any younger tho, and that's starting to show and that is the main reason to move to a younger model. Everytime she goes in for a service, a list of little things are in the logbook for the mechanics to sort out. I know the 'upgrades' all burn more fuel and have a critical W&B (as does the 252), but I hope she'll spend more time in the air than in the workshop. Anti-ice, glass and more room is nice too. Just want to put all the pro's an con's in a nice spreadsheet and think about it thoroughly. It is by no means a sure thing the 252 has to go. Amazing how competitive she still is. Concerning the Mooniac scene over here. I do believe that there is an active - but limited - group in my part of the world, but I never got around to join. Used to own a Harley which I rather rode than park next to other Harleys and talk about them. Maybe it's the same thing with Mooneys?
  23. To decide wether or not to upgrade I'm making a comparisson between my M20K 252, an '05 Ovation 2GX and a '05 Bravo, but I can't find a manual for the latter. Can someone help me out?
  24. ...duh . Thanks! I've dropped him an e-mail.
  25. Would love to get in touch with Don Maxwell, but I wasn't able to get his e-mail/telephone through the membersdirectory nor the search button. If anyone could send his details to m.perlot(at)planet.nl it would be appreciated.
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