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About MooneyMark

  • Birthday 09/30/1981

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    The Netherlands
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  • Model
    M20K 252

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  1. Yes it does show zero RPM. You have a sharp eye! The connector went south on the way over there.
  2. I made a longer version, I did not have much material to work with tho. Hope it's entertaining in this time of lock-down! Stay healthy all.
  3. I have uploaded the last part, too. My very last landing with a plane that's very dear to me. Sad to see her go.
  4. Yes, ATC: ‘increase rate of descent to 1.500 fpm or greater’, me ‘rogerrrr’
  5. I used the speedbrakes not that much on the 252, but every once in I while I was very happy to have them.
  6. Finally got around to creating the video I wanted to make from my last flight with my Mooney. Felt a bit like therapy reviewing all the footage.
  7. That was a sad accident indeed. I fly with my girls all the time, makes you think. I’d never fly in that crap weather tho, it is ‘just’ a hobby.
  8. Oh it was a sticker you had to wear On your clothes, in order to return airside in Valencia, Spain. When I got back in the Mooney I stuck it there and kind of forgot about it.
  9. Got a new laptop! I tried it out by making this very short video, regretfully I had only one GoPro and no audio. But I tried to make it nice with some local color!
  10. Thanks! I’ll keep that in mind! It’s like saying goodbye to a close friend.
  11. Ah well, you know what they say...
  12. I dropped her off wednesday.
  13. Yes, just around the corner in Germany.
  14. Very sad to see her go, but she's sold.
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