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Everything posted by dooleypster

  1. Thanks carusoam, will do.
  2. The aircraft in this ad is spoken for and a deposit is on the way.....there are also backup offers waiting. If the deal does not go through for whatever reason, I will repost so the ad will once again be active. Many thanks for the nice comments. Very sad to be leaving the Mooney/Aviation community.
  3. I put my 1989 MSE in the classified section today
  4. Hanging up the headsets after 52 years of flying. Ready to sell my 1989 MSE. Attached poster.....have all logs since new. Currently based in Glendale AZ. Mooney sale poster.pagesMooney sale poster.pagesMooney sale poster.pagesMooney sale poster.pagesMooney sale poster.pagesMooney sale poster.pages
  5. Many thanks to all for the advice, and especially to M20Doc for his considerable generosity! What a wonderful resource are all the players on MooneySpace.
  6. Goops, left out the number.....845-264-9980.
  7. Not sure how to do that from here Doc, but here's my phone number if you could text me your email address or phone number, I can get the info to you.
  8. Found that 1 of the 4 screw/socket pieces that hold the vent window has disappeared. Called many salvage yards without response. Called Lasar.....they quoted me 15 cents for the screw and 46.75 for the socket on the other end. They still haven't heard from Mooney as to the availability of the socket. The window has 2 hinges with a top and bottom screw/socket combo on each. Does anyone have any of this hardware at a somewhat less stratospheric price? IMG_0021.HEIC
  9. I feel your pain......ATP 18,000+ total time, 1000+ in Mooneys. Two factors seemed important. Age..... I'm over 70, try not to change companies......if you are new to a company they seem to raise your rates immediately. The days of descending rates are over (at least for now). Bottom line......find a good company and stay with them.
  10. Lived at 5B6 for almost 17 years....don't remember ever seeing you come in...to bad...would loved to have talked Mooney with you. Pete Dooley N497R
  11. I have a Century 2000 autopilot, and had to go with the G275 over the G5 due to the legacy autpilot. I decided to go with 2 G275s and remove the entire vacuum system. I have a J model, so no air powered step...... therefor the vacuum system (including the standby vacuum pump) can be removed completely. David is right on with his comments about compatibility. The G275s come in a variety of flavors depending on what you want them to do. Synthetic vision aside, a really good system will do just about everything including redundancy for the AI and work with legacy autopilots. Seems like the installed price for the dual G275 system (sans synthetic vision) was around 10 AMUs. I still have the pitot and static powered instruments as well. I like the setup....... but its not cheap. Be sure you get the right add-ons to do what you want the system to do.
  12. Many thanks to Moosebreath, carusoam and N201MKTurbo for your help. I did as you suggested with the CBs, that's how I decided it was stall warning over gear warning. Now on to the search function....thanks again.
  13. OK, thanks....I'll go look for that. Would that be anywhere near the speakers?
  14. What is the sonolert?
  15. 1989 J MSE has a stall warning going off continuously from the initial turn-on of the battery switch. Moving the stall vane seems to have no effect. Cycled CB on and off, still no luck. Ideas?
  16. I had a similar issue with my 89 J. Called Mooney, they said they don't make the individual relays anymore. Called Dan at Lasar. Had to buy a new combined unit of both up and down relays (aftermarket). Very expensive! Replaced the old units with the new and never had an issue again. Ordered the part from Lasar which was drop shipped from Mooney.
  17. dooleypster


    Latest panel configuration with vacuum system gone after installing the G275s
  18. +1 for Kroil.....
  19. Thanks guys, great response!
  20. East coast flat lander here...... anyone with good ideas for a J model (non-turbo) routing from say Ft Worth to the KSNA area?
  21. For me, it was easy. The G275 was the only thing that would interface with my Century2000 autopilot. I know, its a very old autopilot, but it still works great and I could save a bunch of AMUs for now. At my age, the new autopilot would never add significantly to my value in the plane, only for the next guy. The G5 is a nice instrument, but the interface issue coupled with the extra things a G275 can do made it worth the expense...... I think. I could be wrong again.....
  22. Yup, I feel your pain. I'm going this way to rid the vacuum system, replace a failing HSI, and happily, they say these are compatible with my still functioning perfectly Century 2000 autopilot. When the autopilot goes, it will be a huge AMU outlay to replace. At my age, I'm sure it will be worth it. Watch carefully, when I can no longer fly for whatever reason, this is an airplane you will want to buy.....sorry, not a 231. What dial in issues have you had?
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