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Everything posted by Shadrach

  1. Quote: markejackson02 I have had intermittent mag problems for a couple months now. Got to the point we could start the plane then the left mag would fail after a little while. The mechanic thought coil or condensor. It turned out that the bushing through the center of the distributor block was loose. Why would that cause the mag to fail, especially only after it was warm? I could see the coil or condensor failing after they got hot.
  2. Wev've been running Mooney tanks dry for 40+ years...multiple airplanes, multiple pilots. no issues. If you don't want to do it, then don't. I can understand why some might find it unnerving, but it is just not a big deal...really, SOP for many. I like to know that I have not left any usable fuel in the tank befor my last switch on a long XC. The engine never protests after fuel is reintroduced to the equation.
  3. I agree with you Ken (which is not uncommon). Perhaps it is all related. However, I've heard and seen more than one CFI perpetuate what I know to be a falsehood. A guy across the hangar from me spent 2 days with a Flight Safety instructor transitioning into his company's Bravo. He came back using partial flaps as SOP. His personal minimum in the Bravo are just now down to 3500ft and he uses it!!! This is the same CFI that taught him 24/24 and 50 ROP. I asked the CFI why he liked that power setting. He did not really know... I think I was told that the company paid $4500 for the trans training... Money/time well spent? You don't always receive what you've payed for...
  4. Quote: scottfromiowa I would not go any slower over the fence than 70 mph. If you are talking knots there is some room. What's the big deal about a little "float"...better than NOT having enough energy in the flare and stalling and dropping it in, right? Try 1/2 flaps when light or in my hydraullic flaps 3 pumps or 2 instead of four. I am 100mph base to final. 80mph over the fence and power off just letting speed come down and enter flare. I love how the Mooney lands with this formula. If I have weight it's full flaps with same speed. Works out fine for my short body.
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