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Posts posted by Sabremech

  1. 33 minutes ago, Rodeo John said:

    Has this configuration improved oil cooling ?

    The C’s and G’s don’t appear to have oil temp problems like some of the IO equipped Mooney’s I’ve heard. A friend of mine has this oil relocation on his C and temps are fine. This is the only place I can move the cooler on the C and G models with the battery up front. This has to be done for my new cowling. 

  2. Hi John,

    I can take a picture of mine as it’s modified Vans RV baffling. They use a small stainless steel rod that is bent into shape and then threaded on both ends. Works well. I have the drawing that calls out the dimensions I can get you if you’d like?



  3. 1 hour ago, bradp said:

    David I’m glad you’ve been able to keep the virus away.

    Clearly is a moving target.  Even countries that have been more successful have had to change strategy as information is assimilated and the situation evolves.  Came from knowing nothing about it to knowing something.  

    Unfortunately all the political bs has gotten in the way of the public health response. Wash hands, wear mask for others in case you’re an asymptomatic carrier, distance. Keep life as normal as possible otherwise.  Rinse and repeat.  That’s it.

    All the public health messaging failed over and over again. Won’t get into that but the CDC kept moving the target as a political apparatus responding to what resources were available at the time (PPE shortages) and kept moving the goal posts for the public and allowed the hospitals to do whatever was practical rather than what was proper from apparent political reasons.   Hospitals are still doing it with the PPE and isolation dance.  Hospitals are still trying to min staff and profit off the backs of the workers and bailouts. Look at HCAs quarterly earnings. Its disgusting.  The only reason the CDC said “no masks” and tried to give all sorts of bull $hit explanations was because we didn’t have enough masks.  They could have said “masks would really help, make sense and have been used successfully in other parts of the world, but we ain’t got none” but they just make up a bunch of politically expedient doublespeak instead.  That approach is infectious and cancerous in of itself.

    This thing keeps hitting close to home.  Yesterday- admin said she was at a family party (not a good idea).  Everyone got it except her.   Her daughter’s MIL is on a vent.  That means she’s 50/50 in the door to the ICU for survival.   Today - my neighbor (doc) posted about his residency mentor dying the other day from it.  Kinda close to home.  Today I try to message a local pediatrician about a patient - he’s out with it with 22 days of symptoms, his wife heading to the ED being admitted with it.  Every day there are new stories. Maybe we’d do better if we just focused locally.  Put our covid numbers and mortality rate on a big electronic billboard and put them online. Live unfiltered data.  But nope, the covid update email I get each evening is marked “confidential and not for distribution”. 

    These are the healthcare workers trying to help folks who couldn’t help themselves and are getting taken down.  And taking their families down.  If you don’t wear a mask, the healthcare workers will still take care of you. Might keep putting them at risk.   But it speaks volumes that people won’t just wear a simple f-ing mask even if it might prevent a single infection. Or not. But there might be an increased chance of helping and avoiding harm.  So just do it. Please.  Look my kids can wear a mask.  

    And yes face shields help too.  That’s what we’re wearing in the hospital.  Just pretend you’re on a very long woodworking project. :-) 


    You were doing well until you went off on the mask rant. Sorry, but you sound just like the rest of the experts now and we’re all dummy’s. 
    You need to work harder on your message delivery and not come off as I’m right and you’re wrong. 

    I’ll leave it at this. Like it or not, it is how we feel and no amount of chastising is going to change our minds. We too have had family impacted by the virus, so that angle is covered in case you move on to the guilt and shaming next. 

    • Like 3
  4. 1 hour ago, bradp said:

    Over and over again the economists are telling us that to get the economy backup and running we need public health control.  Can’t do it in reverse.  Can’t wish out economic woes out of this one and stick our heads in the sand.  I’m not sure where people arguing let’s open up fully and that will get the economy going again.  Tried that after Memorial Day.  It doesn’t work.  It’s been proved. 

    Push through, protect our fellow citizens by listening to public health official, and try to repair the economic damage methodically.  Start by listening. 

    I was trying to just listen by reading these posts and yours made me want to comment. We’ve been listening to the health professionals for months now telling us something different every day. When we do our research and read what the health experts are saying and voice that, we get shouted down that you don’t know what you’re taking about because you’re not in the health field. 
    This is not the way for us to Listen as you put it. Many of us have tuned out the so called experts and are moving on with living over worrying about dying which we all will do some day.

    The latest the experts are telling us that we should consider wearing goggles. How long before we’re all required to wear hazmat suits when we want to go out? I have to wonder if they all have weekly meetings to see what else can be dreamed up to throw at us and see what sticks. 

    I must be doing something right in the fact that we’ve managed to not bring any virus home to my mother in law who’s 89 and lives with us. The only thing my wife and I do every time we come home is wash our hands. We don’t get overly concerned and freaked out if someone gets within our 6 foot bubble. We also only wear masks entering a business that requires it. Usually my mask is protecting my chin from getting the virus.

    I’ll go back to listening now and help keep this forum Mooney friendly. 


    • Like 4
  5. My Concorde battery lasted a little more than 10 years. Capacity check fail is what caused me to condemn it. I plan on replacing it with another Concorde. I’ve heard that Gill is getting better but I’m not willing to take that chance as I’ve been burned by their batteries in the past. 
    Takes a long time to rebuild customer confidence in a product when you’ve had a run of garbage products especially at aviation price levels.


    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, cctsurf said:

    I was really hoping that I could accomplish 2 goals with @Sabremech's new cowling.  New baffling and better aerodynamics...  Haven't heard much recently.

    My doghouse is in pretty bad shape.  I plugged a number of holes recently and things cooled down significantly.

    Hi cctsurf,

    Its coming along slowly. I had a little set back on the upper cowling fitting correctly at the very front. It’s back at the composite shop being reworked along with the mold when we get the fit just right. 
    I’d like to post more often but I feel I run the risk of the typical aviation product promises syndrome and don’t want that.



    • Like 7
  7. 4 hours ago, cferr59 said:

    Does anyone have a source for a Shaw fuel filler neck part number 431-22.  One of mine is getting rusty and I would like to replace it.  Is there a stainless version?

    I have a fairly clean used one that I removed from my C model that I would sell. I’ll be back home next week and can get you a couple of photos if no one else posts they have one.



  8. 7 hours ago, Jim Peace said:

    Hard to slide it up into the latch. Hard to slide it down out of the latch. 

    You might want to check the down lock blocks hole diameter in relation to the diameter of the j-bar handle. The owner produced blocks were anodized and if LASAR had theirs powder coated with the hole at a tight tolerance, that might explain the struggle to get it in and out of the block. 

  9. 6 hours ago, Browncbr1 said:

    @Shadrach  any progress?!?   I’ve got blue balls over here man!

    Can’t help you with that issue! I took 2 weeks off of the project to work on some other things that I let slide due to the cowling. I’m back on it now getting the upper cowling trimmed to fit my airplane then will finish the camlocs. I finalized the carb air box, I think, and hope no issues come up after installation. Still need to rework the left cowl flap for a better flush fit. 


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