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Sabremech last won the day on February 21

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Burlington, Wi
  • Interests
    Vintage Mooney's, Warbirds and homebuilts
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  • Model
    1956 M20
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  1. Those downlock are perfectly legal!
  2. Just because it’s not in the TCDS doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Just a little more paperwork!
  3. There’s not enough profit in it for all the work and liability to reverse engineer it. If I had this part issue, I’d look to find parts to convert it to manual gear. David
  4. Good day, I have a left side spindle assembly and will check in for a right side when I get to my shop in a week or so. Would be willing to sell this and ship if you’re interested. David
  5. All international shipments are extremely complicated with each country having different requirements. It’s a nightmare. David
  6. I may have some. I purchased some used gear legs a number of years ago. It will take me two weeks before I can look in my parts bins. David
  7. I’ll have to give that some thought. There are certainly more parts useable between an A and a C versus the M20 I have currently. David
  8. Hi Matt, Good to hear from you. It’s going to be impossible for me to leave it 100% original. I do have an interested party that I talked to about my plans and they love it. They feel the same as I do in regards to the rear windows. We’ll see what does or doesn’t get done! I’ll have to post pictures of the fuselage covered under a sheet now! The corporate job is crazy busy as always. That’s why the Mooney progress is much slower than I thought I could get done by now. As for Warbird, we have the jets for sale. It was in our plan to sell them about now. The P-40 IRAN is coming along nicely but still expect it to be two more years before ready to fly again. How’s everything out West? David
  9. I can’t tell at this time! Will have to be a surprise! David
  10. Good morning Barney, This is the standard break apart position for all Mooney’s. The number of bolts to hold the tail cone on has increased over the years by model. Thanks, David
  11. Any information for the guy at Hinkley you can share? Not that I need another Mooney, but you never know what parts might be needed in the future. Thanks, David
  12. Hi Tom, I purchased the used parts I needed from Alan Fox. I believe he’s on MS but can message you his contact info if needed? Thanks, David
  13. Catching up a bit to the current status of the M20. Here’s a few more pictures of this bird. I love the old avionics switch which is a choke cable attached to two switches tied together on the engine side of the firewall. Simple but works. Also a few other pictures of the wood wing along with the instrument panel and aux fuel tank. David
  14. Yep. I was amazed at what was underneath the barn dirt! I still have to clean the tailbone before re-installing it. I’m planning to rework the back windows as I absolutely dislike the teardrop window. Going to make it look more like the later C window. Perfect time to do this work is before putting the tail cone back on. David
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