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  1. I had a similar incident back in 2012 that I reported on MooneySpace. Here’s the excerpt... Subsequent inspection discovered all but one bolt remained intact. It was believed there was a false torque measured after maintenance had attempted to use an epoxy to prevent oil leakage. I carry that one remaining nut in my flight bag as a good luck charm! Dan N201NX
  2. I had a similar incident back in 2012 that I reported on MooneySpace. Here’s the excerpt... Subsequent inspection discovered all but one bolt remained intact. It was believed there was a false torque measured after maintenance had attempted to use an epoxy to prevent oil leakage. I carry that one remaining nut in my flight bag as a good luck charm! Dan N201NX
  3. Check out N201NX on Controller.com! Safari - Sep 30, 2017 at 16:02.pdf
  4. Fellow MooneySpacers, I’ve recently completed my Commercial Pilot rating and will be flying as a corporate pilot leaving little time for my Mooney. I’m advertising N201NX for sale on Controller. Please let me know if you’re interested in procuring this fantastic airplane. Cheers, Dan Adams (585) 363-2494 Safari - Sep 30, 2017 at 16:02.pdf
  5. I own #283 and was trained per the POH to slow to 155 mph or less before lowering the gear. It's worked for 12 years of fabulous flying. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Thanks for the info. Looking forward to a good flight exam. Dan
  7. I'm preparing for my commercial flight exam with my '77 M20J. Is it possible to have a split flap condition with this airplane? I have not experienced or heard of any in my 12 years of Mooney ownership. Thanks, Dan Adams Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Aaargh, we need to police ourselves, i.e., become a mentor to the offender before something terrible happens.
  9. Is it just my imagination or are more of us getting new engines this year? This is all great info and gives me confidence my 15 hrs of breaking in time on a Zero Time A3B6 seems to be proceeding well. Cheers! Dan
  10. Seth, Thanks for the good words on my return to flight. I wish you well as you resolve this issue. Cheers! Dan
  11. Back in the air! Landmark Syracuse did a great job of returning my J to flight. My first flight was a 30 minute checkout of the plane in the local area to make sure everything was ok before repositioning to a new home base (D38). I noticed the tach tops out at 2600 RPM on this engine, about 50 RPM lower than the previous engine. Climb/cruise performance is no different which leads me to believe it's a gage discrepancy. I'll have my mechanic check it out when I get the oil changed. So far, I've logged 15 hrs on the new engine. The break in process is going well. CHTs have fallen slightly with every flight and mineral oil consumption has only been 2 qts. I'll consult with my mechanic about going to 15/50 Aeroshell when I return from a cross country next weekend that should carry me over 20 hours on the new engine. Landmark showed me the old engine before they shipped it to Lycoming for the core credit. The extent of the damage was much greater than what we first observed when the incident first happened. It turns out that 3 of 4 studs had sheared and the case crack extended 3/4 the way around the cylinder. It only had seconds to go before it would have potentially ejected through the side of the cowl! They gave me one of the sheared studs to throw into my flight bag as a good luck charm. Aspen PFD, fuel bladders, now a new engine...It's great to be back in the game with a top notch airplane! Dan
  12. It's the A3B6.
  13. Took the plunge today and ordered a rebuilt engine from Air Power inc. Delivery estimated for mid-August. I received a waiver for the inoperable engine core after paying a fee of $3725. Looking forward to return to flight around Labor Day. Dan
  14. I usually set the mixture about halfway and run up to 1800 RPM.
  15. Caru, Thanks for the quick look. I've shared the data with my mechanic and still waiting for his assessment. I'm also an engineer and had questions regarding the out of family readings on Cyl#1. One other piece of info, that cylinder had the lowest compression of the four during the annual check. Dan
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