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  1. Wrong ID.. Have to report this. Dr.BILL
  2. Thats not me!!!!! AGH Im logged in as someone else SORRY.
  3. Believe me, there is no one that loves these airplanes more than me....... I'm on my 3rd one. I just pray they stay in business.
  4. Quote: orangemtl It rarely escapes my attention: for purposes of reinforcing humility: to review accident reports, and see "The pilot, who was IFR and multi-qualified had 1700 hours, with 800 in type...", followed by a description of what occurred that happend to kill him. It's not simply low timers that have incidents, although we lead the pack; it can also be those with plenty of experience that 'blink' mentally at just the wrong time. I was taking off from KMYF a few weeks ago: had everything set up correctly (I thought), and upon leaving the ground the nose went up like a rocket, with the stall lady starting to chant in my ear. Looked down to see the trim on full UP; pushed the nose down to something less than vertical and trimmed down like crazy with the other hand (FORGET electric trim in that circumstance). All's well, but: how'd it happen? Inadvertent electric trim pressure? Didn't look the THIRD time before departure? All's I know is that it was just one of those instantaneous educations, that one occasionally runs into---and should NEVER require repetition. And a great reminder that checklists have no shortcuts. Ever. Thanks for your initial post.
  5. I've had this happen before, but it's not normal. The O3 and 310 Acclaim have a lot of engine vibration that the O2 and Acclaim don't have. As stated before, I believe that the engine vibe have something to do with it - either the vibe making the switch indicate a false door position or the vibe shaking the magnetic keeper loose and the door actually opens. DOn't know which. Hard to track down since it takes a full power run to introduce the problem.
  6. Quote: Skyatty Actually, the landing before was one of my best ever; an FAA inspector who happened to be trailing us in the pattern even remarked "excellent landing" after touchdown, so I don't think I jarred anything loose.
  7. Well that isn't my name so even more reason to help out, Steve (fastbyk)
  8. They all fly about the same. I've got time in all 3 generations. I prefer the longbody, but that's also what I have the most time in, and what I flew first. That may have something to do with it, who knows.
  9. Quote: flyboy0681 Let's try to stay on topic here fellas.
  10. It's about time they update this product. The technology is 20 years old. No Victor airways and no holds - come on, guys.
  11. Seen it a million times. Do what rbharvey said. It isn't worth not doing.
  12. If this ends up happening I might be in. Depends on the roads. Makes more sense to drive than fly from where I live.
  13. Quote: Piloto That's why I love my 201, simple and reliable. Jose
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