I did a hot start and probably flooded the engine on my J model yesterday at Mineral Wells, Tx. It was probably 100 in the shade. No big problem though, I just did a flooded engine start and it started up and cleared ok. I taxied to the runway and did a normal run up and takeoff. After lifting off, I could feel a small vibration and just had that gut feeling that something wasn't right. I was full rich, full rpm, and wot. Everything looked ok, until I looked at my analog EGT, which was at peak EGT. I checked to make sure I was full rich, then I started to lean, but she told me that was a no no. At first I thought maybe I had broken mixture cable.
When I got enough altitude, I pumped the throttle from wot to closed and back to wot and the engine cleared and EGT went back to normal. The rest of the flight was normal. I have about 30 SMOH, and have never run anything but 100LL.. In the summer, in Texas, I usually leave my cowl flaps open unless I get up high and cool. I can only guess I was maybe a little vapor locked. Anyone else have a similar experience?