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Everything posted by RJBrown

  1. The question was should you turn the prop just prior to cold or long time inactive start. Not should I periodically turn the prop on an airplane that just sits. I understannd not turning an inactive engine but is it a good or bad idea to turn the prop prior to start?
  2. This is a press release from Lycoming about the TSIO-360, a 180 HP turbo normalized engine for the experimental market. http://www.lycoming.com/news-and-events/press-releases/release-07-14-08a.html
  3. Quote: FlyDave No, the 231 first used the "GB" engine then the "LB" engine - most 231's have been upgraded to the LB engine but many still need tops and turbo/exhaust replacements before TBO. The 252 was built with the "MB" engine - sigificant enough changes to make the engine run cooler and easier to manage.
  4. You find the power setting that gives you the proper approach speed in level flight. Just before the glideslope centers you drop the gear and the flaps. The additional drag gives you the decent rate needed without a change in speed. 15" and forward on the prop works for me. Useing the gear drop to begin the decent either on the glideslope or abeam the numbers on downwind helps to create a habit that insures the gear is down. Once stabilized on final I repeat the GUMPS just to be safe, touching each control as I say the words.
  5. My 1990 MSE has had the weight increase done. I have the paperwork in my logs. I can send copies of the paperwork. The paperwork states: Compliance with this document allows operation of the included M20J S/N 24-1686 through 24-3217 at 2900 lbs. gross wt. Instructions 1. Remove airspeed indicator 2. Install new airspeed indicator. 3. Conduct static/airspeed system leak check per F.A.R. 91.171. 4. Verification of rudder balance is required. Refer to Mooney Aircraft Corp. S.B. M20-252 for rudder balance weight inspection. 5. Insert new pages in applicable pilots operating handbook. Pretty simple and as stated not an STC but a retofit by Mooney themselves.
  6. I used First Pryority Bank in Pryor Oklahoma to escrow the deal. I placed the cash in an account with them and applied for credit with them. I was looking at more expensive planes than the one I bought so when it came time to close I had money left over in their account. I left it with them and now have a account for my engine reserve that I add to as needed. If you are financing an airplane they are great to work with. Bob (Robert Guderian) is who I dealt with. http://www.1st-of-pryor.com/printable_Application.htm
  7. Quote: RJBrown I owned a Rocket, N231NH, for 8 years. Sold it March of 03. I flew it over 650 hours as a Rocket and about 100 before conversion as a stock 231. Flight planned 200 Knots at 20 GPH at 12,000'. Faster at higher altitudes, over 20,000' TAS over 230. Biggest advantage is the ability to climb. At light weights I have seen 1400' per min at 26,000. They will lift more than a TLS and climb faster doing it. A rocket is a M20K with a Continental TSIO-520-NB in place of the TSIO-360-**. The engine prop combination came from the Cessna 340. It is turbocharged and uses a full feathering 3 bladed prop. A Missile is a M20J with a Continental IO550 in place of the Lycoming IO-360. I currently own a 1990 M20J MSE. I miss the speed but not the 20GPH. The J does 155-160 Knots at 8GPH.
  8. I owned a Rocket, N231NH, for 8 years. Sold it March of 03. I flew it over 650 hours as a Rocket and about 100 before conversion as a stock 231. Flight planned 200 Knots at 20 GPH at 12,000'. Faster at higher altitudes, over 20,000' TAS over 230. Biggest advantage is the ability to climb. At light weights I have seen 1400' per min at 26,000. They will lift more than a TLS and climb faster doing it. A rocket is a M20K with a Continental TSIO-520-NB in place of the TSIO-360-**. The engine prop combination came from the Cessna 340. It is turbocharged and uses a full feathering 3 bladed prop. A Missile is a M20J with a Continental IO550 in place of the Lycoming IO-360. I currently own a 1990 M20J MSE. I miss the speed but not the 20GPH. The J does 155-160 Knots at 8GPH.
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