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FoxMike last won the day on September 27 2018

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  • Birthday March 17

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  1. Takeoff power needs to be reduced. In the cold you will reach 100% power at less manifold pressure than the power chart shows.
  2. The KAA-15 in my airplane is located in the tail behind the baggage area.
  3. I have an MT 4 blade on my Bravo. Even using the standard Mooney tow bar you have to be careful not to hit the blades. You need to keep the tow bar close to horizontal to have reasonable clearance. I use a Power Tow tug at the hangar which provides clearance to the propeller. You are smart to question interference potential with a sidewinder. I have never used a sidewinder but it only takes a slight bump on the trailing edge of the prop blade to take a chunk of fiberglass.
  4. Small point but Restaurant at Greeley is open intermittently but is rumored to sell the first of the year.
  5. I live in Denver and if I were doing your trip I would not fly the great circle route. The great circle takes you over the highest, roughest part of the Rockies. In good weather it can e done 13/14K (O2 needed). In IFR you need 16/17K and if turbulent it would be a memorable trip. You really need a turboed airplane for this trip. KABQ will be a much better choice.
  6. I would suggest you locate a CFI to go along with you and help out with the flying duties. That way the airplane is being flown regularly.
  7. My recollection is the same as yours but I have no reference. The 1750df redline was reduced to 1650df and notice may have been through Mooney many years ago. I cruise with the TIT at 1600df. Not having to repair the cracks in exhaust system is worth the extra fuel burned.
  8. Noise and vibration became a big problem for me as I have gotten older. I could only manage 3 hour legs without a break. I replaced the McCauley with a four blade MT. Cabin is quieter so that I can empty the fuel tanks without a stop. Used to wear Bose ANRs but now use a Halo. Very happy with the MT.
  9. I checked the price of a TIO 540 AF1B from Air Power. A new one is $175,000 and the rebuilt/overhaul are over $100K. Not too long ago a new engine was around $100K. I guess the reason for the lack of available engines is that Textron is giving purchasers a little time to save up. I wonder how full Textron order book is given the pricing. The overhaul shops are likely jumping for joy.
  10. I am not going to be much help but years ago I flew a 206 into Banff and camped for several days. For a 206 the strip was ok but I do not remember it being kept in condition for your type of operation. I understand your desire to get close to Banff but unless you get some more current information I would search for another airport.
  11. I used to own a T210. The M model allowed 10d of flaps below 140Kts.
  12. Years ago one of Mooney's top salesman told me an unpublished number for deploying 10d flaps was 137Kts indicated. At the time I was on a demo flight in a TN. I do not use 137 in my Bravo but 120/125 seems to e OK. I find dropping the gear slows the airplane adequately. Somewhere around 100/110 I feel the need for the 10d of flaps. Personal choice in my opinion.
  13. I was thinking a small amount of jet fuel or low octane gasoline.
  14. One other thought I had is the possibility of contaminated fuel. You might want to take a fuel sample and have it tested. Talk to some other pilots and see if they have had any problems.
  15. 1800TIT on takeoff or in any other phase of flight indicates a problem. Detonation a possibility or just too lean a mixture. My TIT on Takeoff is not over 1400. First thing is to think back and make sure you taxied into position for takeoff with a full rich mixture. When I am taxiing I lean the mixture and before moving onto the runwayI lean some more. The idea is if I apply power without going full rich the engine will quit before I do damage. At full rich and takeoff power your TIT needs to e in the 1300-1400 range.
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