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  1. SOLD thanks
  2. Halo headset by Quiet Technologies for sale. Includes case and spare foam ear pieces. Nice condition. $160.00 shipping included. Edwin.l.todd@gmail.com or 919.819.3451.
  3. Radio sold thanks to Mooney Space
  4. Headsets sold thanks Mooney Space
  5. Quiet Technology headsets (2) with case and extra ear plugs $160.00 each or $300 for both, US shipping included. Great shape Sporty’s SP 200 hand held nav/com with standard headset adapter $100.00 US shipping included. edwin.l.todd@gmail.com or 919.819.3451
  6. Yes, I did use price guide. Vref .was 59k and Mooney Flyer guide was 69k. Quite a difference so I am looking at real world price. The suggestion to ask high and negotiate down is good if I were a sales oriented person. thanks
  7. Hi I am considering selling my 1966 E. 3300TT, 190 smoh fwf by Aero engines of Winchester, 250 on factory new prop, no damage history, G430W, speed mods, adsb in/out, good 6 paint/interior, bladders, older engine analyzer and King silver crown audio panel and com, G496 May annual and some goodies. Vref 59k, Mooney appraisal 69k. Any constructive input will be appreciated. I am considering listing with a broker due to bad experience selling my last airplane. thanks
  8. Actually, the $1040 was the highest I have paid to Global since 2010. My Aztec was usually about $1600.
  9. Age 67. I will try Parker and others. Low hours due to 3 month annual and lock down. Thanks
  10. Just got a quote from AOPA (used them for 12 years). Went from $1040.00 last year to $1581 this year. Same 1966E, hull still at $75,000, same hanger, same paved airport, no accidents or violations, IFR multi PP with 3400 hours, 3016 retract hours and 600 in type, ICC done in November. Only negative is low usage this year of 35 hours. I will be shopping. A 50% increase is outrageous. Is anyone getting these type of increases? Thanks Eddie
  11. Hi During annual found a crack requiring the doubler at the flap attachment and the hole for the flap retract spring on the right side of the flap jack shaft was elongated. We are reinstalling flap jack shaft but the springs seem impossible to stretch for reattachment. Has anyone reinstalled these springs and how did you do it if you are not Superman. thanks for any help as my AI has the goal of flying the plane today, Eddie
  12. Hi My inspector requested me to find him a contact for information on doing an access panel to install the sb20-217 kit. I see that Dave has done this. How can I contact Dave by phone or email? I can be contacted by 919.819.3451 or edwin.l.todd@gmail.com. Don Maxwell suggested taking rivets out off a belly panel to access. Has anyone done this? thanks for any help Eddie
  13. Hi Alan, Do you have a good hub cap that fits a 1966E. Part number is 158-01000. It has 3 screws that attach to the hub and a screw for attaching the round dust cover. Let me know and price Thanks Eddie
  14. The minimum safe maneuvering speed for a 1966 E is given in round about way in the owner's manual. The best rate of climb and best glide speeds are the same at 105 mph at gross weight. I find that 100 mph is a good target as this is also max flap speed. Hold 100 mph till until you need to slow for final approach speed. 100 mph handles well, has best rate if needed. best glide and max flap speed.
  15. Problem could be sticking starter solenoid. Hitting the solenoid with mallet can unstick it or heat causes it stick. Usually if a starter dies it stays dead. Could also be push to start contacts in ignition switch. I have had both fail at different times on my E. Good luck Eddie
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