The issue that bothers me is not so much gear up or gear down, I think that is dictated by the circumstances. Being a fairly new pilot, I scratched my head a little at the training approach to this, which is that a road is never an acceptable place to land (powerlines, cars, etc.), look for a good field. Here in the cornbelt there is no such thing as a good field. All the fields are either in crops, which can flip a plane, or they are plowed. If you have ever walked a plowed field it is no place to try to make a landing with minimal damage.
If I ever have to make an off-field engine out, I will be looking for the nearest, nice, country gravel road that angles into the wind. There is no traffic and if there is, you can see the car for miles from the air, and from practicing off-field approaches out here, there is no such thing as a field without a power line issue, I would rather deal with the power lines on the sides of the road than trying to find a field clear of lines at the windward end.