Hi Carusoam,
It's basically and F that was modified to duplicate an Ovation in terms of wing and tail, to fuselage proportions. The wings were clipped and fitted with custom made wing tips, increased elevator and rudder fitted, new engine mount for the Continental IO520 - 285hp, three bladed prop, the complete nose wheel assembly was moved forward to be better positioned under the engine, as per Ovation spec, etc. As you can see, it has the SWTA 201 windshield and somehow, they kept the two inspection panels that grants access to the rear of the instrument panel from the outside - these are quite a bit smaller than the original panels, but they're there! The cowling was handmade from the proper grade aluminum and it has speed brakes installed in the wings. Fuel quantity was increased to 72 gal, it has an awesome interior with lengthened luggage bay, two luggage bay doors - one on each side, and so on. It's rather basically equipped in terms of avionics and instruments, but it does have a S-Tec 50 autopilot and an EDM700.
I've flown it and it goes absolutely like crazy. Take off performance and climb is potent and it cruises along at a rather satisfactory 175kts GS in no wind conditions. IIRC, the IAS sits at around 155kts in the cruise.
Although it is a one of a kind, suited for a specific type of owner, I really love this Mooney. Here's an in flight picture: