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Jack Burson

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Everything posted by Jack Burson

  1. Just tried to donate & when I click on submit, it goes back to the donate window. Tried twice, but don't intend to make multiple donations...
  2. I have owned two 231s - one with the GB engine no merlin or intercooler and one with the LB plus merlin & intercooler. The one with GB engine was picked up at the factory new - had it for 8 years. Never had an issue with the engine - never got it above 22K though... The one with LB engine I had for 14 years never had an issue with the engine. IMHO - depends more on how you manage the engine. If you are careful with throttle (slow & steady movements), pay attention to temps and avoid shock cooling it works fine. Side note: the one I bought new in 1981 (still with GB) came on the market about 2 years ago & I bought it again & am loving it. I currently have 1200+ hours on the engine - no problems so far. Update: I'm in the process of adding the Merlyn wastegate controller...
  3. Useful load = 867
  4. Awesome M20K, when were the tanks last resealed? 12/2/02 - In connection with new paint.
  5. With great reluctance, I'm coming to the realization that Mooney ownership and retirement don't mix as well as I'd hoped. I appreciate this forum & offline comments for ideas regarding my plane. Thanks, http://jdbcpa.com/n4035h/
  6. Mikey - Sorry I've not been checking this for a while. I used Northwest Arkansas Avionics in Fort Smith, AR (KFSM). I've had good service from them & recommend...
  7. Try this one: Electronics International AV-17.
  8. I had the same issue about a year ago - had to replace the flux box (located in the fuselage) - it's not cheap. Also, 1st replacement received was defective, the 2nd one fixed the problem...
  9. Had this issue in my first Mooney years ago. Wound up having to replace an electronic "board". May have been the "mother board" Jack N4035H M20K
  10. I had the same problem with my KFC200 3 years ago. It was the toggle switch (not push button) to engage. The plastic part of the switch broke inside & wouldn't let the contacts meet. I also recently had to replace a "worn out" electric trim switch on the yoke which would occasionally cause the autopilot to fail to engage. Exercising the trim switch a couple of times would alleviate the problem. Note: Replacing the electric trim switch turned out to be difficult and expensive. It took my avionics guy about 20 phone calls to locate the right switch & when received, all the wires were different from the original. The switch was about $650 & labor almost that amount due to rewiring and testing to be sure the autopilot worked in all modes as the switch is an integral part of that system...
  11. Note also that BendixKing allows a $300 credit for a working KT76a on the new KT74.. Since I have the KT76A & WAAS 430 along with a recently acquired Clariy SW ADS-B, I'm almost there...
  12. CPA - N4035H - 1980 M20K - KBJC. (See my avatar)
  13. Considering a Q1 Ultra from aviationsafety.com. Anyone with any experience? My biggest concern is the size of the unit on the yoke. (Don't really have room anywhere else.)
  14. I'm a geezer CPA in Superior CO - Currently own N4035H - a 1980 M20K - 2nd Mooney - 5th airplane. Approx 1400 hrs - mostly in my two Mooneys. We live on final for 11L @ KBJC - Likely the only ones in the neighborhood that consider that an amenity...
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