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Everything posted by bluehighwayflyer

  1. I’m not saying it’s ideal, but a couple rivnuts would probably suffice.
  2. Didn’t they used to chain or strap Formula One racer’s engines to their mounts, just in case? I think I remember that. Maybe they still do.
  3. Same here, Hank. I hardly ever even use my brakes except during the run up. I replace the pads occasionally when the spirit moves me, just because. Embarrassingly infrequently, actually. Apparently this is an area where the heavier M20s are a whole ‘nother plane.
  4. Like new. All accessories included and never used. Currently $882 shipped new on Aircraft Spruce.
  5. Yes. If it is an L it has definitely been converted. The original L cowling looked totally different. ”Props” to the pilot. Well done, Sir.
  6. You are a class act, Andrew. It has been a great pleasure knowing you. Even if only virtually here on MooneySpace. God bless and Godspeed. Jim
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