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About DC_Brasil

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  1. I have no idea. It came that way from the shop.
  2. On that day I was flying quite light. Only me (200lbs) a light backpack and the fuel. I think it was the lowest FF I've seen so far. Usually my engine runs smooth around 8.2 gph.
  3. Hello everyone. I'm thinking of purchasing the Alpha Systems Eagle AOA indicator. For those of you that have it: 1 - Do you like it? I'm reading very positive things about flying the doughnut on final approach (top gun feelings?? Ha ha ) 2 - Did you calibrate the stall AOA with or without flaps extended? 3 - Did you install the flap module? Thanks
  4. I also do the Big Mixture Pull until I feel loss of power and enrich slightly so engine runs smoothly. This is what I got last flight. Mooney M20J with IO-360-A3B6D.
  5. @ArtVandelay Did you also replace the ignition key-switch for any other system (toggles or rockers)?
  6. Thanks @Pinecone for the info. Do you have a Part Number for those locking toggles?
  7. Hello. I have seen some installations with some more modern and better looking rocker switches. Some of my switches are old and the locking in either position is not very strong anymore. So I began thinking of changing some of them. I'm thinking of changing some to a new style like we see in some RV10s. I know those are experimental. So question is: do any of you have a suggestion of brands that have PMA replacement switches I could replace my original PN #930023 switches? A second thing would be to change the ignition key for 2 independent switches for each magneto and a starter pushbutton. The magneto switches I'm thinking of one of those toggle switches that lock in place (you have to lift and then move). Has anyone made this kind of installation? I'm guessing it would be a minor alteration and no STC might be required, right? Thoughts?
  8. I thinking I may withhold this information from my wife ahahahahah Definitely thinking of going to Sun n Fun.
  9. I have recently removed an R-1-4-G30R270 Electronics International Tachometer from my 28V M20J.
  10. The question is actually what kind of avionics discounts, for example, or deals people are used to seeing at these events. In many industries, manufacturers use these kinds of shows to aggressively sell their products, offering discounts, bundles, conditions that you usually don't see elsewhere. I know mooney specific parts are hard to find, but some companies sell products for.all kinds of planes, like Whelen, Gami, Garmin, etc...
  11. Hello everyone. I live in Brazil and that basically means that for every part that I search for my M20J, It involves importing it from the US. Consequently, there are taxes, currency exchange costs and retailers markups involved, making things more expensive here. I am looking at possibly going to Sun n' Fun this year in April and one of the mai reasons would be to possibly find some parts or upgrades. LED lights, GAMI injectors, a new GPS... In most industries, the big expos and fairs are usually where manufacturers give customers special conditions for purchases. For those of you that have previously attended the show (or Oshkosh), do we usually see good deals from manufacturers or shops during the show? Were you able to find avionics our parts at a discounted price during the event? Fly safe everyone!
  12. Thanks for the answers. Just curious about the removal of the Ram Air: is it considered a minor our major alteration from a maintenance point of view?
  13. I just had my panel upgraded to a G3X (with EIS) + G5 + GFC500 (4 servos) + GMA245R audio box (I have posted some pictures on a different topic). Budget constrained me to keep my ancient GNS430 (non-W), KX155 nav/comm2 and old transponder (no ADSB mandate in Brazil yet). I am a PP IFR-rated and had most of my flying done on piper analog planes (archers and arrows). However, my IFR was all on a C172 G1000. So the GNS430 was very familiar albeit way less capable than the G1000. Some takeaways: G3X is incredibly capable and easy to operate. If you use Garmin Pilot on the iPad, the buttonolgy is seamless. Digital EIS is a must! Being it a G3X or any other brand (JPI, for example), the ability to carefully monitor and add advisories to the engine instruments brings a whole new level of operational awareness and a higher sense of care for your engine. Also, the ability to download the data (or reviewing it in Garmin Pilot) is incredibly valuable. Those who say you don't need YD have not flown with one on a turbulent warm day with the wife complaining that she's getting sick . I was one of those guys... I am SO glad I added YD. But this is personal: I wouldn't have traded my YD for a new NAV/COMM. GFC500 is amazing. Very stable and comfortable ride even in very choppy air. Makes you kinda feel like a Boeing pilot (configure the FD as dual-cue and you can almost smell the jet fuel). G3X will not talk with old NAV/Comm, so I had to keep an old analog CDI for NAV2. Even though my GNS430 doesn't have VNAV, the G3X has a very basic Vertical Navigation calculation function and it will work with any waypoint prior to the FAF. The GFC500 will even follow the vertical profile. But it is on a waypoint-by-waypoint basis. So the "Cross 10nm before XYZ at 5000 feet" instructions is a breeze.
  14. Hello guys! My M20J has the RAM AIR intake. Last flight, cruising at 10,000 feet I could see a 0.2'' MP increase with the Ram Air open. I believe I could only see that because of the digital G3X engine gauges. If it were an analog dial, I doubt I could have seen any difference. Since the manual doesn't have any data, I wonder if anyone here can share their experiences with the Ram Air.
  15. I'd suggest you start by reading these (rather long) series of articles: Where Should I Run My Engine? They are rreally insightful and will change the mindset most CFIs still teach about engine management. https://www.avweb.com/features/avweb-classics/pelicans-perch/pelicans-perch-63where-should-i-run-my-engine-part-1/ https://www.avweb.com/features/avweb-classics/pelicans-perch/pelicans-perch-64where-should-i-run-my-enginepart-2-the-climb/ https://www.avweb.com/features/avweb-classics/pelicans-perch/pelicans-perch-65where-should-i-run-my-enginepart-3-cruise/ https://www.avweb.com/features/avweb-classics/pelicans-perch/pelicans-perch-66where-should-i-run-my-enginepart-4-descent/
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