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Paul Thomas

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  1. I was discussing this fuel and the legal case with my wife who brought up something I have no seen discussed: corrosion. Since this fuel appears to act as a paint stripper, how does it affect corrosion? Is there a concern that ingredients in the fuel may accelerate corrosion? If so, that would be a nasty combination.
  2. I'm also with OR; quote came back at ~2350; $50 less than last year. Hull is 100k. This is my second year owning the airplane, IR and I need to check how much time I have. The airplane is hangared during hurricane season but I'm otherwise on a tie down. I was disappointed that it was only a $50 decrease given I now have time in type and the overall market has been stable/ slight decrease in premiums.
  3. Have any of the affected airplanes filed insurance claims? The insurance companies are going to have something to say...
  4. The pro of a multi piece panel is upgrades. You can remove part of the panel, re-cut as appropriate and leave what is not being modified alone. It makes installing or removing a single instrument much easier.
  5. What happens if you back off to 2,200 RPM, can you increase back to 2,500?
  6. The top one is showing your are tracking 77 while the bottom one shows you are on a 98 heading. Apples and oranges.
  7. When you say reset the gear breakers; had anything popped?
  8. I only do ADSB. You should be able to display the ADSB feed on your other avionics and your iPad.
  9. Experimental do not require an STC to use alternative fuels, just like they don't need an STC to put an alternative engines. It's all up to the owner/builder.
  10. No experience at MDW but I prefer to travel IFR, especially when going into bigger airports. I think it makes coming into their airspace easier, I get an automatic Bravo clearance, and I'm treated the same as GA VFR traffic once I report the field in sight but I never expect a tight pattern. They're used to bringing in big iron and seem keen on giving me a long final but want 150 knots till 5 mile out. I think a tight pattern would actually work best but that's not how things are done. Leaving, since it's a short flight, I may just head south VFR and climb once outside the Bravo. I know you're going away from home but you'll be in control of your routing and get home just as fast. I always find it more difficult to leave from an airport under a Bravo than just about anywhere else. I've never had a flight plan issue but I tend have to wait for an IFR release. I've had to wait up to 30 minutes but ATC involved supervisors on their own to get me out after 15 mins or so. I don't like to be stuck down low but sometimes it's the way to go.
  11. @meddesign@natdm Could either of you upload the files now that the file formats have been added? I had my neighbor print the one meant for the pipers and it's not quite the right fit. I'll have to go back with some washers to see if I can make it work but the correct file would be better. Thank you, Paul
  12. I have to admit that I'm disappointed. I'm a skeptic but I wanted to believe in G100UL, I was impressed by George Braly's willingness to engage, and I wanted to give G100UL the benefit of the doubt. As a fuel, it really does appear to work and I thought GAMI was sitting on a goldmine; I could even see an easy marketing campaign starting at Sun 'N Fun, ending at Oshkosh that would involved other big fly-ins and be easy for any media to promote. It would be so easy to go worldwide and make great press. I wish GAMI the best and hope material compatibility can be sorted out and that a winning formula can be developed. Alternatively, let's figure out which paints, hoses, etc. are not compatible and state that. I bet there would still be plenty of willing customers and the fleet will adapt. It did for ethanol. I never understood the marketing path GAMI used for G100UL and it appears this crisis is being mishandled. When it comes to safety or not taking risk with customers, a lot can be learned from Tylenol's 1982 recall.
  13. The damage to the RV6 is shocking; it looks like it was vandalized with paint stripper. I could see insurance companies having a fit with G100UL... a simple leak that would have cost an insurance company nothing is now very expensive. I wonder if the insurance industry is going to say if you want to use the STC, your coverage will have a higher cost.
  14. Multiple reports on Facebook from users who are unable to reach MooneySpace; one is getting an error that the domain is for sale.
  15. As I gain experience, my tolerance for taking off with low ceilings continues to decline. I remain IFR proficient but I very much try to take off and land in VMC conditions.
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