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Matthew P

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Everything posted by Matthew P

  1. Good morning, still working the issue but feel that it's now become stonewalling. From what I understand, 60 years ago Mooney contracted to have the actuators made but using their engineered gear set which is manufactured by a 3rd party, so the drawings and specs are Mooney proprietary and Mooney will not release them nor say who they used to manufacture them, I have asked the CEO if they refuse to have them produced than why not license them to i.e. Lasar so that 1, Mooney can make a little money and 2 we can get the frigging parts....all I got back thus far is a, I'll call you this afternoon, well, that was a week ago. If anyone can send me an old set so I can get a metallurgy (destructive testing) report done, that would help as I already had a new set loaned to me and had them scanned and I have the CAD drawings for, I've also petitioned the FAA, Certification Branch, under the OPP guidelines, for a copy of the drawings and technical specifications since there is still an active SB and Mooney refuses to have the parts produces, so that's where we are at..wish I had better news and was closer that we were 4 months ago.
  2. Thanks, I don't see the connection between the pucks and the horn, as there's no electrical contacts...what am I missing
  3. Went to takeoff and on takeoff, after putting gear up, the gear horn buzzer came on was during climbing so had full throttle and 100mph airspeed...any ideas or what I need to check for, tried to reset CB to no avail, after a minute it went out but did the same thing on next departure..
  4. Sent you a message
  5. Good Morning, yes and I'm working on that but having spoken with the certification branch it seems as though it's a protracted process, which I'm willing to try, just trying to expedite things if there's another way...
  6. Thanks, I appreciate it, there should still be enough for the metalurgist to determine, through destructive testing, the material used as well as the heat treatment, then I have the info for the manufactures to get quotes to fabricate and their report should satisfy the "as good as or better than OEM" for OPP
  7. So, you missed the part where it came from the factory with a J-bar and then upgraded to electric
  8. Jake, will you please send me the old gear set so I can have them sent to a metalurgist for destructive testing to determine the type of steel and hardening process? I have the 3D CAD drawings of the gear set but not the metal specs...I'll contact Mr. Pollack tomorrow to see where we are on getting a batch made up, probably no closer than 3 months ago but I'll try...looking to go the OPP route and once I get the metalurgy report done, my plan is to share the info on mooneyspace...unfortunately it won't help you currently...please let me know if you are willing to send me the worn gear set. V/r Matt
  9. I thought I made that understood that I understand that, evidently not...so...I understand that...thanks
  10. I am, I'm not expecting that the SF would "fix" anything.
  11. Surefly recommends new harness to be installed at the time of installation, from what I understand the trouble is when individuals either go with the thin wire or cheap harnesses
  12. Thanks, so far we found an induction leak and that the adjustment blocks were way out, it has gotten significantly better, looking at mags next, going to a surefly on left side...
  13. Have an IO 360 a1a that we can't get to idle below 1000 rpm, it spits and spudders...tried adjusting mixture, cleaned injectors, but can't get it below 1000 without it running extremely rough...any suggestions?
  14. Don't need an STC, minor alteration and paperwork by your avionics guy, just put one on my mooney for very same reason, they will even send you examples of the forms for the minor alterations..I only goy one for the pilot station, due to the price of the leather wrapped one, I really like it
  15. Actually, I'm not boring cylinders I'm bleeding brakes and changing o-ring on caliper
  16. Thanks, will see if they have one
  17. New pads, new calipers 400 hrs ago
  18. Have a 1966 m20e withe slight drip, calipers were done 400 hrs ago so thinking a pinched o-ring, anyone have the correct part number? Tia
  19. Not at all, if you know guys that have it figured out by all means, let me know, if individuals on this fourm are familiar with the process or engineers that want to voulenteer for the cause, by all means, please let me know...the problem is there are a few people making statements like your without any solutions, so there's no point since you, and those like you aren't willing or able to contribute to the solution...so I'm not offender, just don't need armchair quarterback that aren't willing to get off their azz and suit up...you mentioned that you talked to people that got it figured out, the other mentioned he was an engineer, so, more than willing to accept your assistance.
  20. So, I understand that you and MikeOH will be leading this effort then, since you have the engineering experience and Mike has the understanding of the process? So tell me the email address I need to send the CAD files of the gears to so that I don't slow down the process, you will still need to find a used gearset to have a metalurgy report done so you know the type of materials and type of heat treatment, unless you know an engineer that can call it out based on its use...on behalf of the 87 people that are standing by tho get a set of gears, I want to thank you and Mike for stepping up, please let me know the email address and once figured out, the price of the gears.
  21. Not as of yet, first we have to get mooney to approve the run of parts, mooney sets their price then the MSCs are notified, then the MSCs set their price, then they tell the customers the price of the part and the prices vary by MSC....still waiting on if Mooney is going to authorize a run.
  22. So, talking with the CEO, not Johnny, but will probably end up the same, I had the gears scanned into CAD by a professional company, unfortunately, no manufacturer will give me a quote because it's a part to be used in an aircraft.
  23. Lol, I've asked the question but haven't gotten an answer...I will tell you this, I believe Mr. Pollack has been honest with me, Mooney is in a precarious position right now and he's looking into what can be done, if it can be done to support our request...I think some of the issues may be MSC related, so he's reaching out to them as well as we can't order directly from Mooney but have to go through the MSCs, so we have to get their buy-in as well....there is also a dual issue of the actuator motors, similar to the gear issue...if you have good gears but a bad motor, you can't get the motor, if you have bad gears but a good motor, you can't get the gears, same result...AOG...I asked if the current actuator on the newer mooneys would work on the older acft and if there would be any modifications necessary to install them, only response back is that they are 24v actuators, so they have not answered my initial question, I told them there is a workaround to get a 24v actuator to work on a 12v system, but they won't answer my question...so, Mr Pollack was to have a phone conversation with Don Maxwell, I'm waiting to hear back to see where the issue stands.
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