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Everything posted by NickG

  1. I had an Aerocruz 100 in my Cherokee 235. It’s a fine little autopilot - will only fly heading mode (when coupled to an appropriate source such as a G5), track mode using its INTERNAL GPS, or GPSS mode when coupled to a GPS navigator. It will not fly an ILS approach or anything other than GPS. It’s is NOT certified for coupled approaches (although as mentioned it will perform that task - just not legal). BK Aerocruz has no auto trim (it does on the experimental version), and you’re constantly retrimming. It had difficulties tracking in anything greater than light turbulence. Having said that, it is a perfect little unit that does the job at a reasonable price. I have a GFC-500 in my O. You cannot really compare the two autopilots. The GFC-500 is a full featured autopilot, will fly just about any approach you can find, has VNAV and a whole range of advanced features. If GPS is spoofed or jammed, neither autopilot will be able to function with its full feature set. It’s really just a question of budget. If you have the budget and are willing to spend it for the GFC-500 then that is clearly the best autopilot in terms of features, etc. If you have a smaller budget, then Aerocruz 100 is a good choice that you will be happy with. Just know what the capabilities are so you are not disappointed. Garmin replaced the servos in my O 3 years ago and they have worked beautifully ever since with no issues whatsoever.
  2. What about the discussions regarding increased CHT’s?
  3. What are the benefits, if any of having 2 SIMS vs 1 + legacy Mag?
  4. How did they handle the battery back up? Very interested to hear about your dual sim setup. How elaborate was the install?
  5. Dan, Probably just interested more than anything. I've had about 34 hours of transition training in my O and have now finally taken the initial training wheels off! I'm in sponge mode.... trying to absorb everything I can to make me a better pilot and Mooney owner. I've been a bit unlucky... I was supposed to go to the Paso Robles fly in but a broken trim switch and stuck stall warning sensor had my bird in Mx over that week and my Nephew had the bad judgement to schedule his weeding over the PPP in Dallas in October! So looks like I'll have to wait until next year for the PPP.
  6. Congratulations and enjoy! Make sure you get lots of dual with a Mooney CFI. You need someone that knows the aircraft. Look like a beauty!
  7. Unfortunately they are telling me there’s no way to buy the training manual without attending. Will have to wait until next year then.
  8. Thanks, Pete. I'll do that.
  9. I'm more than interested but I I will likely be in annual then. Unless I can move it.......
  10. That's great to know! I'll make the first one next year for sure.
  11. LOL I saw that and thought "no basic med for me"!
  12. Yes, I believe that's different from the MAPA MPPP program (although I may be mistaken) ... I won't be able to get to the MSF program until next year.
  13. I'm interested in reading the training manual for the Mooney Pilot Proficiency Program. Since MAPA is no longer active, it's a course I can't enroll in or purchase the manual. Does anyone have a manual that they can share (legally, of course)? I understand there's some good info in the manual worth studying.
  14. @ArtVandelay , you just have to keep looking and have a little patience. Here's the panel on my O that I bought a couple months ago. Got it at a reasonable price as well. The owner of this plane had it over 21 years and did the 310HP STC, TKS and panel upgrade. Glad I don't have to pay to do any of that.
  15. Well said!!!! I would just add that trying to buy one with the avionics and other upgrades you want already upgraded is by far the best way to go.
  16. Jose, I have about 500 hours and an IR, previously owned a Cherokee 235 and have completed Cirrus Transition training. I purchased an Ovation about 2 months ago. It has been 35+ hours of transition training and I'm still not that comfortable landing, although my last 10 or so have been really quite good. Having said that, the shortest runway I've dealt with is around 3,000 ft and right now I wouldn't even consider anything smaller. Landing these birds properly is a lot more challenging than I imagined and I'm estimating another 5-10 hours of instruction before I feel confident. I'm lucky in that I have a couple of excellent Mooney CFI's that I've been working with, both with lots of long body experience. Also, please note, the O doesn't have cowl flaps so it's a little slicker than its turbo brethren on landing. Make sure you have the instructors lined up. Your short runways are going to be challenging. Best of luck!
  17. Closed on mine on in May!!
  18. I've already logged about 35 hours in transition training. Brought it back home on May 13th.
  19. An Ovation forum! Excellent! Here’s my Ovation smile!
  20. I was thinking on not installing the GI-260 but relying on the indicator on the G3X - of course it's not in the scan but the audible should keep me advised.
  21. Thanks for this, Jim. I didn't see the post until today. I'm going to put a 7" panel on the wish list - but first I want the AOA indicator which displays on the G3X and a landing height system. Then the tank reseal and then....... loving the O, by the way. put nearly 35 hours on it so far, and only a couple of minor squawks (trim switch, stall warning vein and that flight tire at Bullhead) that I had to take care of once I started flying her...
  22. My 94 O with the O3 STC has come very close 188-189. I have opened it up a couple times to see what it will do. May be able to squeeze another knot or two. I even have tks panels which make it slower than a clean wing. in Mx right now, when I get it back next week I’ll try a hero run again and this time take photos. Would never cruise at those setting tho. My preferred cruise is around 175-177 ktas
  23. The one you own
  24. Yes, I watch all of Martin's videos... I can't wait for this to be available in my area.
  25. So pleased to hear of your wife’s recovery!!!
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