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  1. Dropped the price to sell. Happy to discuss other offers.
  2. Posting new pictures a video taken today.
  3. Trade-A--Plane add: https://www.trade-a-plane.com/2435084
  4. Hello fellow mooniacs! After many enjoyable flights and a couple of new ratings with my M20C, it's time to say goodbye - selling to get a bigger plane for the growing family. I found this M20C here in the forum - it treated me very well and introduced me to aircraft ownership. Fast, reliable, and inexpensive to maintain and operate, I hope it finds a good nest. Now priced at 74k USD OBO. More details and photos below. All logs since new available on request. ////////////////////// Meticulously maintained Mooney M20C Mark 21 for sale. Mechanically sound and updated with everything buyers want in a Mooney of this vintage. Upgraded avionics featuring dual G5s, 430W GPS, JPI 730 Engine monitor, and more! Turn key airplane, frequently flown. It has the original paint, showing its age. Interior is clean and has no tears. Airframe TT: 6500 hours (consistently flown throughout its life - corrosion free!) March 2024 Annual - 45 hours flown last 12 months Lycoming O-360 with 1390 SMOH by Penn Yann in 2005 (All compressions over 76 in last annual) Sensenich B Hubbed Propeller (No recurring AD) 850 SPOH in 2015 O&N Fuel Bladders - 54 Gallons Garmin GNS430W GPS Dual Garmin G5 displays Garmin GNC225 Garmin GL106B CDI Garmin GTX330ES transponder PS Engineering PMA6000B audio panel JPI 730 Engine Analyser (CHT/EGT/OAT/Carb Temp/Fuel Flow) Pre-wired for Garmin GFC500 AP Whelen LED landing, nav and strobe lights Brand new Concord RG-35AXC battery Weldon Fuel Pump PlanerPower Alternator Conversion New shock-discs in 2021 New glass in 2023 LASAR speed mods
  5. Try LaDiM aviation at KHWO. That is where I park and looks like they have tie-down spaces available. https://ladimaviation.com/
  6. Maybe it is just me, but I feel the J Bar in my C is lighter to operate if I tap the brakes before retracting the gear...
  7. It was actually $1800. The total installed came to $4300.
  8. I installed a 730 for 4.3 AMUs earlier this year. 2.5 for the unit with an additional carb temp probe through Aircraft Spruce. The installation was done by a local A&P based in South Florida. Everything ready in one week, but I already had an old EGT and Carb Temp monitor from the paleolitic era, so that must have helped the install since the exhaust was already drilled.
  9. I agree it is not ready for real-life use, especially in such a critical operation as flying, but it will get there sooner rather than later. Foreflight already leverages machine learning in a few app features and I wouldn't doubt that they are experimenting and piloting Gen AI to alleviate pilot workload and bring situational awareness.
  10. I loved this post. I never thought about asking that to ChatGPT. What version is that? 3.5 or 4? With some training, it would indeed be a nice addition and improve safety.
  11. Part 91.411 states that: (a) No person may operate an airplane, or helicopter, in controlled airspace under IFR unless— (1) Within the preceding 24 calendar months, each static pressure system, each altimeter instrument, and each automatic pressure altitude reporting system has been tested and inspected and found to comply with appendices E and F of part 43 of this chapter; So I understand that regulation requires "each and all" to be tested.
  12. All altimeters in the plane must be certified for IFR, so that means both G5s, even if one is used primarily as HSI, and any other altimeter you might have in the panel.
  13. That is a bummer. I was just going to give Hector a call to secure a position to refurbish my interior. Any recommendations on good interior shops, preferably in Florida?
  14. That is convenient. Load permitting you can carry a 5th passenger holding those grab rails.
  15. I am loving this thread and how it is evolving. Thank you to all who looked for and shared the stats
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