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    Wichita, KS
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  1. Just saw this, but I recently did mine with Evan at Corporate Air in Vero Beach (KVRB). Fit me in the same week I called and let me do the entire process with him. 10/10, I recommend him! Took us just shy of 3 hours with many minutes of conversation and just hanging out/talking. Overall a wonderful experience at a great airport.
  2. Nice! We had a kicking tailwind the other day as well. Made it from Kansas to south Florida in 6.7. Coming home was an 8.1... But that's another story, lol.
  3. Yep! No more SOS. One less part to mess with when we removed that. You're correct, it was expensive... But I haven't looked back a second since upgrading to the SureFly. I made a long post about my troubles and how we installed it, if you're interested, it's on my profile.
  4. I'm going to be honest, I had a pretty similar problem the first year I owned my plane. I decided I did not want to be left somewhere on a random field due to this silliness and the age-old SOS. So, I replaced the left mag with a SureFly and I haven't looked back a second. Do I get better fuel burn? No idea... Did not really notice a difference. What I did notice, though, was every single start has been easy.
  5. I also used sceet... The jack trim boot is made from 'unobtanium' as @KSMooniac so lovingly puts it. Everything I saw on here and what my IA recommended was to still cover it up, but we used buttons (more or less) to be able to remove it every annual to clean and lubricate it. Kind of worked out great!
  6. Mostly responding to save this for myself for future use, but generally where is this located on the belly? I did a very preliminary scan through the maintenance manual with no luck on actual location (I read through the "electric gear safety devices" section).
  7. Highly recommend the cheap option of the Kinder Fluff window shades. They are see through and stick to the windows. I use them on my full time plane and bring them along on Mooney flights as well. Absolute game changer and on a budget, too! Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
  8. ***PIREP!*** I put an update and a PIREP in the original post for those that are interested.
  9. Already done! We installed it with the initial SureFly install.
  10. Yeah, with the Tach2 it's okay, it's something they released in the past few years to make it work. I think that's what we're going to do - call the SureFly tech support folks. They're super awesome to talk to Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
  11. Not sure. I'll forward this over to my A&P! Thanks!
  12. ***UPDATE! 3/18/24*** The original issue down below has been resolved. Turns out my P-1000 just absolutely refused to accept the Tach2. After fighting with the airplane and working back and forth with the SureFly tech team, we got it solved. Between an oscilloscope and utilizing a multimeter to read off the Tach2, we figured it was the Horizon. I ordered an EI R1 on the spot. Installed the R1 and within an hour we were airworthy. That being said, here's some pointers for anyone who has this issue in the future and is coming to this forum like I have done with so many others. - Utilize a multimeter on the 0-5V output on the Tach2 to see if the Tach2 is outputting signal. The multimeter will get a spike, much like the oscilloscope, and tell you that the Tach2 is working. We found that the Tach2 was working and therefore that either our wiring was off between the Tach2 and the P-1000, or it was the P-1000 (it was). What we did for the longest time, until one of the bosses, Jason, at SureFly told us to, was only check that the Tach2 was getting power. We utilized the multimeter on the Tach2 power channels, not the output channels. Had we run this simple test (while the engine was running) weeks before, we would have confirmed it was the P-1000 causing issues. - Call SureFly with any issues. They're extremely helpful and always answer the phone during business hours. Their online troubleshooting guides leave something to be desired, but their willingness to help over the phone is awesome. PIREP!! Flying PIREP so far. Noticing lower fuel burn by about ~0.5 gal/hr. We just did a left side SureFly. Start up is BEAUTIFUL. I had a shower of sparks and we removed it. Now she cranks over in two or three turns. Nothing else like it! Please feel free to ask me any other questions! -------------------------- Hello! My A&P and I have been spending the past few weekends replacing our left magneto with a SureFly. From SureFly's recommendation due to the Horizon P-1000 we have, we purchased the Tach 2 as well as the Maggie Ignition Harness. We chose to go with fixed timing due to a C model with the carburetor as well as directly wired from the battery to the magneto. When we started up - it ran beautifully. However, the P-1000 was showing a "Left Magneto Signal Status Indicator. Turns on with the Loss of Signal from the Left Magneto. Flashes when the Left Internal Tachometer is Disabled." (we were flashing red) Has anyone run into this issue? We double verified that the Tach2 was getting power and verified the wiring was correct. Curious if we need to somehow reprogram the P-1000 due to the electronic magneto? We weren't able to see anyone with the same issue on MooneySpace from a preliminary search and we know plenty of folks out there have the P-1000 and SureFly. Thanks!
  13. If it hasn't already been said, highly recommend Owen for pre-buys. He's a travelling IA that will meet your plane wherever it is. My wife and I are younger owners and he's a younger A&P, so that made us happy to find someone fresh in the industry (by fresh I mean he has about 5+ years of experience and is still enjoying his job - unlike someone who might just sign a logbook to sign a logbook and get a check). https://barefootaviation.com/
  14. Hmmm okay good note. Do you have a part number in case we need to do that? Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
  15. Awesome. I shared all this with my A&P. We're looking at doing it in January. Was there any extra items you needed on hand aside from what came in the box with the SureFly system and harness? Trying to coordinate now to make sure we have everything on hand before diving in during a weekend. Thanks for the help so far!
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