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Everything posted by bruce_m20e

  1. After changing, can confirm, I feel no difference in landing softness. But can confirm, the discs were harder than a rock and more slop than a sloppy joe .....Our landings must be that good
  2. right side correct(pax side)
  3. So another thing i am trying to tackle is the idle, was idling around 700 before, changed a lot of things, my mechanic has a sonicator and cleaned out a lot of negligence. Lot of fuel lines were replaced with the new JPI that was installed, a new baffling system, but nothing in the engine itself. It now wants to idle at 1100. Mechanic is scratching his head because he did touch anything engine wise. Is there an idle screw and what is everyones idle rpm? I scream at taxiing now!
  4. So just got the plane and doing its first annual, there were a lot of issues with it, but i digress The one I am addressing with my mechanic now is the shocks, got all new donuts to replace the original five donut configuration. Jacked up the plane and removed the old ones, but now, the new ones, cant compress enough to put the bolt back through the shaft... I have all my weight on the wing tip and still cant get it in...
  5. Is there a chance to get these pictures as they are not showing up
  6. Is there a chance to get these pictures as they are not showing up
  7. Damn where are those clean panels from?
  8. oof, these are beautiful compared to mine... I am doing a lot of research for baffles, and dog house kits, I am going to make a call to airforms monday... heres to hoping. Mine are so worn and deteriated, my AP says he can make them but estimates a full week worth of his time at 130/hr...
  9. Any way to see these pictures yet?
  10. Hoping on this, I also need one
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