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  1. I agree... it seems like if you want to go aftermarket/performance, Powerflow is the only name that comes up. I've done a little digging and can't seem to find any others. At this point it seems like overhauling the existing system or going with a new system from somewhere like AWI makes the most sense.
  2. I should have specified that... I am referring to the exhaust pipe. From what I can see on their website, the Gen 1 and Gen 2 only differ under the cowl.
  3. Hopefully I'm not beating a dead horse here, but I was wondering if anyone has any pictures of the newer style Powerflow that doesn't look quite so terrible on a Mooney. My J is in for annual right now and I'm going to have to replace the muffler and tailpipe, so I'm most likely going to replace the whole works. The cost of the Powerflow over an OEM set up is noticeable, but not terrible. I'm wondering if, since I'm going to replace everything anyways, Powerflow would be worth it. From what I've read in the numerous posts here, the performance gain on a J minimal, and there is a little more maintenance. I haven't decided either way yet and I guess I'm not even really leaning a certain way yet... What say you?
  4. Last Saturday morning above western North Dakota. It's amazing how green it gets here... for a few weeks.
  5. I flew with an instructor just last year that recommended 25/25 on climb. The instructor's reasoning was noise abatement and it's easier on the engine. My normal procedure is WOT all the way to cruise. I'm usually at 25" within a couple of minutes anyways and getting that first 1000' below me seems more important than whatever (if any) hours reducing the power would add to my engine. As far as engine damage goes, I worry more about the time spent full rich rather than time spent at full power.
  6. I don't have any advice for the OP, but I am extremely curious as to why you're transporting rats.
  7. I just had a full reseal done at Weep No More. Paul was more than helpful and his communication was great. Price was right at what he quoted me long in advance. I told Paul that I wasn't far away from him and that I have a flexible schedule just in case he had a cancellation or could squeeze me in sooner... and he actually did. He was professional and there were zero surprises. I don't have any experience anywhere else to compare him to, but I don't plan to go anywhere else if I need tanks sealed again some day.
  8. That's a terrible joke... I love it! haha
  9. It kind of shocks me that he was able to receive/renew coverage without a valid certificate or medical. I had to submit copies of both when applying for coverage. One would think insurance providers would want to do their due diligence to make sure they know who they're covering. Heck, even my auto carrier checks my driving record every so often.
  10. Very nicely done. I saw this Mooney in person a couple times and I was really hoping someone would give it the love it needed. I'm glad to see someone did.
  11. Like a true North Dakotan I will smile and say "it could be 20 below".
  12. I've got N9777F and that gets me tongue tied often and almost every controller drops a 7 out when repeating it. I've had a couple controllers just go with Mooney-Niner-Triple 7-Fox and that works pretty good.
  13. Have you talked to Weep No More yet? Paul has a pretty long wait time right now which says a lot about his work. I just got myself on his "list" the other day.
  14. This has me wondering if anyone has ever had a live mouse make itself seen during flight. I've had it happen in a tractor before and that almost ended in disaster... I can't imagine it happening in flight.
  15. During a preflight the other day, I found the one on my right wing basically just sitting in its place. For as loose as it was (I popped it out with my fingers with minimum effort) I can't believe it was still there. Sealing it back in with RTV was very straight forward as mentioned by a few others here.
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