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William A

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Everything posted by William A

  1. sounds like the Don Maxwell of NJ!
  2. Never used AirMods to order anything. What is the website?
  3. I am referring to the mounting holes not lining up with my current mounting holes not the switch itself. Perhaps I could use the original mounting sleeve to hold the new switch in place with some modifications.
  4. It looks so close but I think the old one looks like 1 5/8 or 1.62 inches so I’m second guessing myself! If I am reading the drawing correctly I think im seeing 1.82 or 1.79 inches middle of both holes on the new one from sensata…
  5. I might have found a new switch from sensata however I don’t have my switch out of the plane yet and they need the measurements to make sure it will fit especially the distance between the mounting holes. If anyone has these measurements can you please share? here is the possible new replacement…
  6. I changed my led light out about 150 hours ago (1.5 yrs ago) and it had an led bulb already so crossing my fingers it’s nothing more than the switch but we will see. I haven’t found any generic switches on aircraft spruce website but maybe I should call them and ask about them ordering me one from sensata. i did find someone on eBay that has a used one from a 1975 Mooney but I would prefer new of course.
  7. I’m having this issue with my landing light rocker switch. No voltage coming from my breaker switch on my 1984 m20J. Lasar does not have any replacement and still waiting for sensata to respond to my email about a possible replacement.
  8. What’s the concern w VGs? Drag?
  9. Yes the new restaurant at Hicks (T67) “wing it” is open and really good service,decor, and food. https://www.facebook.com/wingit.hicks
  10. “Airplane mode” on my phone might have “fixed” my WiFi issue on my iPad. Just flew 2 hours w no WiFi drop! Must have been trying to use my phone as a hotspot perhaps. Other 3 passengers did not put their phones on airplane mode so must have just been mine interfering.
  11. Do you have Jim’s prior instructions on how to update the firmware? I’m hoping that’s what will fix my WiFi connection issue.
  12. I tried sending jim an email but it came back bad address. Anyone have any luck with updating software on this ngt9000 transponder? I keep losing my WiFi connection to my iPad after 15 minutes successful communication. william 1984 m20J
  13. my 1984 m20J looks like it has 2 male prongs (aux port on the left side of the tail section). this link looks like it has a 3 prong for cessna. im not seeing any other options on this website. am i missing something?
  14. This is why I love forums! Thank you I would have never thought of that aspect until after the fact. I’m now looking at the other cradles that fit varying sizes 7-11” and open backs!
  15. Ya I tried searching the threads with not good results so had to start fresh. Thank you!
  16. I would like it flush to the yoke if possible so can I skip the short arm or is it necessary to fasten?
  17. Excellent so you did use the short arm? I wasn’t sure I needed the arm or just flush mount.
  18. I have a 1984 m20J. What do y’all do to mount an iPad to the yoke? See attached pic of what I started to buy but need confirmation that I’m buying what I need. I have an iPad 8th generation 10.2” screen size (9.8” vertical) but may need to get a mini so it fits better. This yoke seems smaller than the Cessna 172 I’ve been flying.
  19. Makes sense. Thank you carusoam william
  20. I’m a rookie here…what does 25AMU mean?
  21. I hope so. So new to this that it’s difficult to see what the future will hold but excited nonetheless! I know my 2 boys (13&18yrs old) are busy making all kinds of plans for us.
  22. the 1984 m20J red white and blue one just sold. what is the story on these MSE (turbo normalized m20Js?) gmax has a 1992 m20J MSE that looks like a good plane but im curious if the gas mileage (gph) and annuals would be similar to the regular non turbo J?
  23. parker reached out to me directly thru this app within minutes of me messaging him.
  24. How much is it typically to rebuild/replace the m20j 200hp engine? Specifically the 1984 factory/stock engine? Prop?
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