My dad, grandpa, and 2 uncles worked for Mooney from 1970s to 1980s. I’m a new pilot just received my PPL and am bored with my 110 hours in a Cessna 172. I’d like to go ahead and look at getting endorsed in a Mooney and for my mission of 80-90% local flying in Fort Worth Tx I’m contemplating J vs K (non turbo 200hp vs turbo 210). Probably go to my hometown of Kerrville and see my grandparents 1-2 times a year, Lawton Oklahoma 2-3 a year, see my son starting college in Abilene 3-4 times a year and my biggest trip I’d love to take is to Angel fire New Mexico once a year. My big question is would it be worth getting the K model for the turbo if you can fly into KAXX at 11,500ft? Would a regular non turbo J model make the climb back out to get me home? William