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Everything posted by mikey757

  1. Just began on my last flight. Cranking was normal. It dipped just below 12 on the taxi out and taxi in. There is a whine that I just recently noticed in the headset, so could be the alternator going. Thanks for the ideas
  2. '84 j model with 12 volt system. Began discharging at low rpm only. Still putting out above 14 volts at higher rpm. Belt is tight and in good shape. Connections are tight. Any opinions?
  3. I'm pretty sure dual G-5's will not drive a KAP-150 autopilot. What about Dual gi-275's (AI and HSI)? When used with a GNS430w and GNC-355 navs, will they drive a KAP autopilot?
  4. Does anyone have experience/opinions with Skycom Avionics in Waukesha, WI.?
  5. I've been using JB Aviation at Galt field (10C) just Northwest of Chicago. Very Happy.
  6. Thanks for all the info. Very helpful
  7. Has anyone done an overhaul recently on a J and care to elaborate on the total cost? R&R cost? Shop used? Other equipment changed during the process?
  8. What do you guys think I could get for a 10 year old Aspen 1500 system, (PFD 1000, EFD 500, and EA100 Autopilot adaptor) in good working order?
  9. I've examined my own habits many times while thinking about avoiding the dreaded gear up and here is a different take. My thought and action process seems to be a little different than most. I tie the actions to airspeed, not a geo position for gear down. Not abeam the numbers or at the marker, or 5 miles out or whatever a lot of guys do. We all need to slow down to land every time. I start slowing in relation to a geo position like we all do to land. But the referencing of airspeed is what drives my brain to start the actions. As I slow, as soon as I'm well below the max gear speed, my brain says put the gear down. As soon as I'm well below the max flap speed, I start using flaps. I still use gumps, and talk to myself on final but the initial action is tied to airspeed, not to a position. Yes, if you're cruising around the local area or doing pattern work you may never get above gear speed, but you still reference your speed when your getting ready to land and I train my brain to take the action when I'm below the max speed. I'll stand by for the critics. But just another way to think that has served me well.
  10. Has anyone gone through the whole overhaul process on a J model recently and willing to share the details? Where done, R&R cost, overhaul cost, down time, extras, etc.. The threads I've been able to find are at least a couple years old. I've looked at the prices on Air Power for engines from Lyc. I know some guys get the willies seeing everything all added up in front of them, but some of us need that kind of info. Thanks for sharing.
  11. OK, learning a lot on here. I've confirmed that I unfortunately bought an I-pad with no GPS. So, I've been looking at external bluetooth receivers. Stratus has one with ADSB "IN" also, albeit a lot more money. So wouldn't that be a better choice to get traffic, weather etc. rather than just the GPS receiver? The aircraft already has a Garmin Aera 560 but that doesn't have bluetooth if my research is correct.
  12. Thanks for all of the ideas. I'll have to do more investigating
  13. It has GPS. It will pin point my location sitting in my house. Take away the internet connection and everything stops.
  14. That brings me to another question. (Different thread?) When I got back into GA I figured out that I needed either foreflight or Garmin on an I-pad. So by a friends suggestion I picked up a Mini I-pad and put Garmin Pro on it. So I can get everything to work just fine sitting with an internet connection, but once in the airplane it won't update or track or anything. I've looked thru all the settings on the Ipad and the garmin app and still no luck. I know I'm old but geez! Any suggestions? Again, many thanks all around.
  15. Thanks everyone. I figured it had to be something easy.
  16. Can someone tell me how to see ETA or ETE to DESTINATION on a multiple leg fight plan on the GNS 430. All obvious info is shown for the current leg only, (next waypoint), not the destination airport. I have scoured the user manuals and quick guides and can't find the answer. Feeling pretty stupid with this. Thanks
  17. I am in need of a seat adjustment bar for a height adjustable pilot seat. Part number 140215-029. I saw on another post that M20DOC had one a year ago and I have sent him a PM. Anybody know where I could find one. Help is much appreciated
  18. Hello Doc, Do you still have this Bar, 140215-029, this is exactly what I need now. Thanks, Mike
  19. If you decide to go to Bohm in Pekin, please come back and review the experience. I am also interested. Thanks
  20. I have a Reiff engine pre-heater and a cabin heater from aircraftheaters.com. I have 120v electric at my hangar to plug them both in. Is there any reason that I can't leave them plugged in continuously if I only fly every few weeks or so? I have seen the adds from Switcheon but figure it might be better to just leave them on all winter. Thoughts?
  21. I just recently caught this thread but had to respond. As I have been reaching into retirement age, I have seen more and more of family, close friends, and others who have been leaving this world in increasing numbers and making me realize more and more how valuable our time is. How much time have I wasted sitting in a vehicle on the road trying to get some place that the airplane could get me to so much quicker and with so much pleasure. I attest that some of the money spent on this venture is just COP money. (Cost of Pleasure). Life is, for sure, shorter than we realize sometimes.
  22. Mine did the same thing a few weeks ago after sitting in mid 30's temps. Came back to normal after warming up. Got me thinking about pulling it out to take home to keep warm and pop back in before flying. PITA
  23. Thanks for all of the suggestions. Much appreciated
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