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  1. When I contacted them they stipulated that you have to send in both. They will not rebuild one.
  2. Speed tape not Painters tape!
  3. Give me a couple weeks and I’ll post about install and performance. $1999 plus shipping.
  4. New follow up. Worked great for 6 months, then in October, not stowing again. Planned 30 days for the plane to be down in November and sent them into Precise Flight for the rebuild. Received them back in about 15 working days. Reinstall this week.
  5. Fatigue! Nothing will screw up your arrival and landing more than fatigue. H2O! Start with 1 empty bottles and 2-6 pending leg length of flight. Accommodation for females. Meal and/or an abundance of snacks. Protein is great. Good time to read the POH. Pending equipment, download podcasts. My first long flight, KGXY Greeley CO to KPNS Pensacola FL. 6 hours. Went perfectly in the M20R. After the flight…note to self, wide mouth bottles!
  6. So here is the conclusion. Removed, cleaned and lubricated. Both now deploy and retract normally. I do not think this has been done in years. I will now do this annually.
  7. So after reading this entire thread…mine need, clean and lube, rebuild, or cam adjustment. I think clean and lube is a good start. Previous flight, SB worked perfectly. Day of issue I flew from KGPM (Grand Prairie, just south of DFW) to 99V (Crawford Airpark CO). Plane was at KGPM for 3 days. First night it rained cats and dogs and when I went to depart there was a layer of dirt on my plane. Started at 8k, +2 hours 10k, +3 12k, +3.5 16k for crossing the Rockies. While level at 16k +15min I look out to the right and see this. Right SB deployed about 1/4 inch. I attempted deploying SB, no joy on both. They did not work in the descent but then deployed after landing. The right would not stow completely but upon shutdown, stowed completely.
  8. Who’s doing the overhaul?
  9. I have GTX650XI with GFC500. After TO you have to activate or engage NAV mode. During pre-flight, make sure your GTN/Menu/OBS/GPS Not Nav 1 or LOC. Highly recommend Garmin GTN trainer for iPad.
  10. My yoke mount broke yesterday. Looking for tried and true solutions. Can be yoke or other as long as it works in the Mooney cockpit. Mine is an Ovation. Tell me what is working for you.
  11. Where did you land? Elevation? Temperature? Density Altitude?
  12. So Good! KGXY-KPNS Greeley-Pensacola including a beach fly by. Probably added 20 minutes. 6 hours. I stayed at 11,000 the entire way.
  13. Just did a full panel this year on my Mooneysaurus. Big smiles every time I fly. Here is the link.
  14. I own a 1997 M20R with factory air. Just did the full panel with the GFC500. Works great! see the blog with pics and info.
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