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Everything posted by gevertex

  1. I heard about that, really unfortunate. I hope thats not the case here.
  2. Needless to say I was a little shook up by it. There is someone watching over me up there for sure.
  3. We will find out when they inspect it. They already told me I will need a new crankcase based on the number of fixes mine has had. 3x total and 3800 hours on the case. Luckily my chosen shop has as new one in stock. It's an IO-360-A3B6D.
  4. Not recently, but engine has 1.5 years + 87 hours tach SMOH.
  5. Engine monitor picture. % power shows higher than reality there. POH shows that MAP as a full inch below 65% power. I am probably closer to 60% power in that photo.
  6. Hey all. I had a near miss with my engine this past week. I was doing some training with my instructor for IFR currency (I like to get with an instructor every couple months to make sure I am on top of my game) and at some point during the flight I noticed that #3 EGT was consistently ~100 degrees cooler than the rest. I'll give some more details about this later, but this was different than what I observed on prior flights. EGTs were usually within 50 degrees of each other. I submitted the engine logs to Savvy for analysis. They recommended mixture sweeps be done at WOT with reduced RPM (to limit power) to eliminate induction leaks as a contributing factor. Luckily I didn't do this. I instead flew the airplane 15 minutes to the next airport for it's annual inspection. Once they started the inspection they immediately found 5/8 cylinder studs sheered off on the #3 cylinder. As in #3 was only being held on by 3 studs. I obviously feel really stupid for flying the airplane to the annual at all, as based upon the engine data it's clear this failure was in full swing on my prior flight. Currently prepping to get the engine sent off for an IRAN. I'm avoiding placing blame about this until the engine is torn down and inspected. Lots of factors here.
  7. I have had all sorts of trouble with my door seal after replacement. Initially I couldn't get the door to close without a lot of force on the internal latch (not good). Then after adjustment, the seal now protrudes from the door in a couple places.
  8. Won't a change in oil viscosity change oil pressure? I notice for instance that my oil pressure is higher when the oil is cold than when it is hot. So if you changed oil weights wouldn't that affect the pressure?
  9. I got mine today. Thanks Don, they look fantastic! I'll be getting them installed this weekend.
  10. Thats helpful, thanks all!
  11. Hello fellow Mooniacs, I am potentially interested in finding 1-2 partners for my 1992 MSE. I currently have a loan on the airplane, and it it currently registered to me. I am interested in understanding the mechanics of what would have to happen in order to form a partnership. I get you need to form some kind of entity to own the airplane, but I have several questions about this. What kind of entity should it be? Do I need to refinance the airplane? What other financial considerations should I consider? I'd primarily be doing this to defray the costs of ownership + develop some permanent flying buddies. Any thoughts? Thanks!
  12. @DonMuncy Haven't heard back from Niko, so probably time to add me back to the list .
  13. Thank you Don. I'll let you know how it goes.
  14. Just catching up to all the replies. I've been traveling by Mooney (the best way to travel). I'd love to take them off your hands. I'll send you a PM and see if we can come to an arrangement. Thanks!
  15. Your name is not in the email address at all, which was the dead give away for me. Also the user that PMed me had 0 posts.
  16. Please do let me know when you have some available. I am not in a rush. I greatly appreciate your help. On another note: a new user PMed me and suggested I send an email to you. The email they provided is obviously not your email address. They wanted immediate payment and a shipping address. I've tagged this as a scam. Just a heads up for anyone else this happens to. They didn't get any money from me.
  17. @DonMuncy Are you still making these? I'd love to buy a set. My factory visors are past their service life, not wanting to spend $600+ on a pair of Rosens. If not I'd love to understand what parts you used so I can make my own.
  18. I wonder if anyone can help me with this. I am having trouble getting my AOA calibrated properly. When I finish calibrating it, I get a high AOA warning on climb and no indication on landing which I find odd. I pulled the data from the engine monitor (yes it logs AOA and IAS!!!), and the AOA reading doesn't look accurate to me, I would expect AOA to be higher during landing than during climb (but it doesn't appear to be!). Any thoughts?
  19. Compressions came back great 80,79,79,74. However I do appear to have an intake valve guide oil leak on #1 as evidenced by oil on intake header. I'll address at annual. Really appreciate John from AGL helping me out on this. Now to keep an eye on my oil consumption and get results from oil analysis. Also had the pleasure of meeting @CJ today at KMRN. Hello @CJ!
  20. Realized I neglected to reply. I really appreciate this. The borescope / check is more for my peace of mind than anything else. All signs at this stage point to things being ok. No excessive blow by (over 20 hours to oil turning black) Oil consumption seemed to be satisfactory prior to the oil leak Valve tube seepage seems to be resolved after retaining clips were properly seated All in all things are looking ok in terms of what I can verify at the moment.
  21. That is another thing I should mention. I got to just over 20 hours on my last oil change before the oil started turning black. Hopefully a good sign (I have no data for how long that should take as I was renting before this). AGL is going to do a compression check, change the oil, oil analysis, borescope, etc. Hopefully it all comes back good. Last annual compressions came back varied (some low 60's some as high as 78), but the engine had only 17 hours on it at the time. So hopefully things have dramatically improved with more break-in time.
  22. That's just my estimate based upon when I last added a qt before the leak seemed to start. I'll get a more precise measurement now that the leaks are resolved. I did the run up, de-cowled to ensure leaks were gone, then test flight today. Everything looks good so far.
  23. AGL inspected the engine externally today, fixed the oil leaks (one required additional sealant to fix), and cleaned everything down. I'll be flying it over to AGL to get the internal bore scope, etc to see how things are doing.
  24. Update on the topic. AGL agreed to come down to Monroe on Saturday and take a look at the oil leaks. Really appreciate John's willingness to work with me on it. There are no A&Ps that work on field at KEQY. No idea how that can work for an airport of this size, but it's the reality we are in. Talking to Savvy, they believe the cylinder seepage is normal and not to worry about it. They were focused on the oil pressure transducer leak and loose oil return line leak.
  25. It's been quite a while since I did this, but there was some legitimate reason CHTs were high. Top cowl off or an extended run up or something similar. They don't normally get that high except in flight .
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