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gevertex last won the day on November 19 2024

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    1992 M20J MSE

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  1. H&H agreed to swap my governor out, no charge. So hopefully that takes care of this... they were not able to find anything with the bench test.
  2. Oil pressure is decreasing as it heats up on the climb. MAP is decreasing as altitude increases. I am not changing mixture, throttle, or propeller controls during this time.
  3. Very nice! Going to be buying 2x the late model lenses this year. Mine are due.
  4. I don't see any variation in my oil pressure or MAP when this happens. Blue is oil pressure. Red is MAP. When this happens I am climbing at roughly best rate. This does not happen in cruise, except when I enrich the fuel mixture after lean finding.
  5. The bar is where the drop occurred. What am I looking for? I could check other instances of this happening. It's really quick, I'd be surprised if MAP is fast enough to catch it.
  6. So oddly, they were not able to reproduce this on their test bench. They did replace the speeder spring just in case. Not sure where to go from here.
  7. I ended up sending out the governor for inspection. Lets see what they say. H&H Propeller (triad) did the overhaul, they can bench test it as well.
  8. Can definitely hear it. I felt it the last time it happened as well. The sky was extremely smooth that day.
  9. Correct, green line. Here are the numbers for reference. This is enough to hear a pitch change and sometimes feel a change in power. Also this only happens at high RPM. Once I reduce to 2400 for cruise, I have never noticed a change (except when leaning).
  10. I'll get a drill bit and probe the probe to see if there is any blockage. I had understood this was checked already, but I agree the data does look like 1 or more ports are blocked.
  11. Yes, two holes in the bottom of the pitot tube that measure air pressure.
  12. Hey all, A couple years back I had my panel redone (G3X touch), and a Garmin AOA installed. For the life of me I can't get it to work properly. I've been back to the shop a few times, followed their instructions to the letter. Once calibrated, on the next climb from ground level, the AOA will slowly indicate a higher and higher AOA until I get a stall warning alert. It never displays on landing, even though I get much slower on landing than in climb. In the images, you'll notice that the AOA indication increases while the speed stays relatively constant. I would expect AOA to be relatively the same for the same speed with maybe some small changes due to altitude. Any ideas?
  13. Hey all, I've noticed some RPM surges on initial climb recently. Roughly 50 RPM change indicated accompanied by a brief change in engine pitch. My governor was overhauled just a couple years ago. Savvy said no signs of other issues like misfires, etc. Wanted to see what the hive mind thought.
  14. I had my dual mag overhauled by Quality Aircraft Accessories in 2023. It seems to be working well. Including a new harness and R&R total was in the $3600 range.
  15. I was looking forward to G100 personally, but that's pretty damming stuff. Paint stripping is concerning enough, but o-ring swelling? That's bad news bears and reeks of the cheap transmission repair stuff you can buy at autozone. Is the 8 octane difference between 92 mogas and 100 octane needed for our engines really so complicated that we need to basically put paint stripper in our tanks?
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