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  1. Just had it this happen this week (stuck up). It was the micro-switches. Contact cleaner and cycling did the trick.
  2. I am following this thread closely. Prop on my '77 J is leaking as well.
  3. I would like to attend but my son (currently the only pilot in the family) starts a new job this week. We won't know his schedule till sometime this week.
  4. +1 on good luck with Jack
  5. Mine just arrived about an hour ago. I ordered on recommendations from this forum.
  6. Hi everyone. Just bought a Mooney (my first plane) and wanted to introduce myself. I have been in the process for a while and lurking here. You guys have been a great resource. Located in South Central Kentucky. My son is flying it right now and I am getting my PPL with a local flight school. I wanted to give a couple of shout-outs to some people who were wonderful to work with and I highly recommend. The first is Samantha McKenzie with DixieAire. She handled all the paperwork and kept everything straight and was amazing. The other is Jack Stanley who works with Parker Woodruff at AirSpeed Insurance. If it hadn't been for Jack and Parker I wouldn't have been able to make this work. Thanks to all Tony
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