Hi 91Y
I'm old now so i'm going the opposite direction you are. I bought my Ovation factory new exactly 20 years ago. Only test pilot Mike Miles flew it 12 hours testing before we had BBQ lunch in Kerrville and he handed me the keys. No one else has ever flown it. It has 1500 hours since. Never a problem. After previously owning a Cherokee, '63 M20C, Twin Comanche ( great and fun plane but maintenance was long waits for parts )
My wife has decided not to fly small planes anymore after the last cross country CA to Maine 2021. My kids have moved far away: NYC, Norway, Italy.
I'm looking to trade down to a Cardinal for the easier entry, lower costs, less proficiency, etc. The Ovation is now wasted on me as I don't need coast to coast capability. Just a flight around SoCal once a week for fun.
An Ovation is much more $$$ than you described BUT, I rarely have any repair needs between annuals. Price is about $275K so you can figure what loan payments would be. Its paid off but I started with a 15 year loan at 6% when I bought it new from factory ($400K new ). It was a big $$ stretch for me back then but I have no regret, flying problem free coast to coast 20 years. 185K cruise @ 10K'. It flies every week. All JPI data is uploaded to SavvyMx monthly. All annuals at MSCs. Everything works for hard IFR when needed.
We can talk if you have any interest. I just want one more trip to the Bahamas this winter( for me, best flying in the world to the 50 airstrips on the islands ).
Good luck.