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Joshua Blackh4t

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  1. Sort of a side question, is there any issue with requesting an instrument approach when in vfr and not IFR rated? Poor plane. Same colours as mine. Hope mine never looks like that.
  2. I remember a comic from a flying magazine. It had graphical illustrations of a quiz. What makes a wing fly? Is it: A: Bernoulli B: Newton C: Coanda effect D: Bucket loads of cash
  3. I'm definitely not one to go changing everything for the sake of a few offended individual. BUT planes have hardly been around for 100 years so pilot-related terms have a much shorter history than 1500 years (even if the convention is further, English is a mixed bag and hardly ever follows its own rules) I personally want to encourage as many women as possible to be pilots. Most of the female pilots i know are damn good at it. So if changing away from one word will help, then hey, no worries. But that isn't even the point. The point is that right now someone has been so petty to change something from a perfectly fine neutral acronym, to an obviously male-sounding one. If you want to play the "what next" game.... next they roll back autopilot approvals because real men hand-fly their planes. Next we can't say "Avgas" because its this modern generation shortening things, it must be called Aviation Gasoline. From now on, only 2 kinds of fuel: car fuel and plane fuel. This 'diesel' and 'jet A1' wanting separate bowsers is not what God intended. Running LOP will be banned because its all a conspiracy and burning fuel is good for the planet I hope no one is offended....
  4. Does this mean that female pilots don't have to read them? Or is the full plan to ban female pilots? Its just plain stupid, Air Missions might sound clunky, but it was good that no one changed the acronym and still made it neutral. This seems a bit of a d+ck move. I wonder if other countries will follow. I hope not.
  5. Also, why was it parked up? I got bitten by not seeing that red flag years ago with someone wanting to do a halvsies deal with him providing the plane and me fixing it up when there was "nothing much wrong with it and we can register it experimental and fix it up easily". Anyone who parks a plane with nothing much wrong with it is not understanding planes in the first instance (value will only go down, sell it while you can) and doesn't understand that the 10 years (or 20 in your case) are worse than the original problems. In other news, anyone want a project to rebuild an Osprey 2?
  6. I have the tailbeaconx and av-30. Its great. You might run into problems with the later models with the full rudder and the tail light mounted on the rudder. Also, to enter the squawk code is a bit of a b**ch. If you mainly fly class G then its great, lots of controlled and it can be frustrating. They are working on trying to improve that. Talks of even a number pad possibly. The Av-c is lovely and has lots of information and easy to read. Adsb out is also nice to have. Safety, and the convenience of controllers already having a positive ID on you before you ask for clearance.
  7. I get mine up below 90kts, and down at about 100 kts but i never feel like i need to worry about speed. Occasionally i have had seatbelt tangles and had to let go for a second and it just sits about halfway. It easier than the gearshift on some old machinery
  8. If you delete the ram air, do you still have an alternate air? I thought that was required.
  9. ^^^^^ This Although its most likely dry/sticking where it goes though the wheel well. It gets exposed to dirt and water there. And thats an easy place to spray it.
  10. When my flap lever started not releasing, I sprayed the whole cable with a penetrating lube and all problems went away. I can't remember what mine looked like, but I remember it being very 'agricultural'
  11. Good luck, have you looked under it? A lot is visible in the wheel well
  12. The beauty of hydraulic flaps is they can be stepped on and will move down without any/much ill effect except the person standing on the will fall off. Its only a spring holding them up, all the hydraulic force is the other way. Its actually quite reassuring when parked outside in places where kids might go investigating. I often put them down for passengers. Again, the manual ones win because no need to use up battery power.
  13. My poor E spends a lot of its time outside and is never tied down. I have seen her weather some major storms. She has never moved. If she was on concrete, I would be more comfortable with a locking device on a wheel so that she wouldn't roll even if she jumped a chock. If you were worried, you should call your insurance company. I'd point out to them that Mooneys are known to resist most winds, and extreme conditions are almost as likely to affect her if she is tied down or not. Keep your fuel tanks full. Little bit of extra weight can help. Also is good for your tank sealant. And leave the trim full forward. Headwind will push the nose down and tailwind will push tail down.
  14. Found online:
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  15. As a pilot with the ancient push button audio panel, I'm curious what is better about the new ones. I mean stereo music to everyone sounds good, but everyone has bluetooth. I can hear the radio fine. I can hear other people reasonably. What more do you get?
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