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Everything posted by MISSILEFLYER

  1. How did I survive Covid? -Took a trip to Aruba that involved a flight to Miami and to Aruba. (Early March 2020) -Took a trip to Providence RI to see our first grandchild (Mid-March 2020) No masks required on flights. Notified by email that any travel by air would require a ten day quarantine. -Continued to be employed while NOT doing my normal job (virtual phone conference calls from March-July 2020). -Masks of whatever make/shape size increasingly required while “inside a business”...(Some would ALWAYS NOT WEAR MASKS and the six feet separation was confusing to most). -Bar seating eliminated. O.K. To sit in a booth and eat/drink without masks. Masks of any design/shape/size now required. -Resumed limited travel to customers with mandatory letter stating that I am symptom free and will wear mask and take temperature before appointment. No hand shaking or discussion in close proximity. August 2020 to present. -Know no one (family/friends) that has required medical treatment for Covid 19. Know some that have experienced symptoms that are flu like to include temporary loss of smell/taste. Still wondering why Covid 19 is a Mooneyspace discussion? My take on Covid 19? “You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth”...
  2. A perk of an instructor that goes to Savanna is landscaping that is several hundred years in the making and some of the best food I have ever consumed. Just returned from a wonderful visit. Southern hospitality is alive and well. Fly by day and enjoy the city by evening. Hilton Head and great golf just a short Mooney hop away... Is this heaven? Close.
  3. A death in the family necessitated a flight to Wisconsin to attend the Memorial Service. The weather was as forecast with clear skies on trip up and lower ceilings on return. The Mooney allowed us to attend an afternoon service and still get home before sunset. The flight up was quick at 175knots and a stiff headwind on return saw ground speeds of 145knots. The weather in Iowa/Midwest has been unusually cold with single digit highs the norm of late. Overcast and snow conditions have been the order of the day. It was nice, even under sad circumstances to get a flight in that had purpose. Love the Missile.
  4. A dinner party. A party of any form. Ah yes, the good ‘ol days.
  5. Yes, he is. In fact a couple “bans” ago I received the comment “I know you will just get another email address”... So the point is? Appeasing the (. ). You fill in the blank.
  6. Hi Ross, Administrator has “cancelled me” (based on others input no doubt) multiple times. I have a short leash no doubt based on survivors/commenters on the “mask thread”. I value the relationships I have made on Mooneyspace so keep coming back for more. I have gotten far more OUT of Mooneyspace than I have given over the years without question. The technical expertise and willingness of competent/knowledgeable members to share has always been the strength of Mooneyspace. It is a community of varied humans. I will never walk away from a debate (to a fault) and when I experience personal attacks I respond in kind. Some dish better than they eat? I am not a counter of posts, but have shared my other screen names (over the years) on my profile. Yes, ScottFromIowa was the first. Four total screen names I believe... My favorite cancel was for Yvves requesting in a post to “call me a whimp”...My reply? Whimp. Cancelled. Eye roll/slow clap... Question Authority. Trust but Verify. When personally attacked...Attack harder. That’s all an old Light Infantry Officer knows. Tact? Sure, but optional. We have a block feature. I have only used once. There are baiters and trolls here...I know. I was told All Mooney All the time...There is a thread on Covid right now. This relates to Mooney ownership and operation how? Masks was another recent thread that I am overjoyed to have NOT been “back” for as I think that would not have gone well. Others did an outstanding job of calling out the hypocrisy. Well done all. Just for the record I believe the earth to NOT be flat. I get my flu shot annually. I believe in personal hygiene and know there is a right and wrong way to wash hands. Masks? No comment (because I live in Realsville). (I do participate in “masks” as directed by the man.) Always enjoy your content. Thank you in advance for more insight and education. Scott
  7. Shallow? Agree. Invasive? Not really content is out in public domain. Kind of creepy like looking at tax rolls to gain insight...but legal. Illuminating? Not particularly. What if the plane is owned by multiple people? Doesn’t just represent poster. Judge you as a scoundrel? Laugh at that one. No. Whatever floats your boat. All information right or wrong should not yet determined is just data. Some is just entertainment. Some is dangerous. Some is flat out wrong. Humans are fallible. Humans have emotions and triggers and bias and opinion. Listen and learn. What to do. What NOT to do. Wisdom can be gained from those that lack credibility. All good in da hood.
  8. Serious question from a serious guy. My name is Scott Thompson. I have been around aviation owning two Mooney’s that were little flown when purchased. I have gained a lot of experience in the process through lessons learned. I started the Timmy thread. Are you saying that a fictional child that grew up in the 21st century and didn’t care much about General Aviation because he/she has other interests is not credible? Are you saying I am not credible? Are you just being flippant? Seriously haven’t a clue what your words mean 201er/parrot guy/new father (My wife and I raised two to adulthood...They are a Civil Engineer and a Speech Pathologist. Both are homeowners. One has a child of their own). Credible? If credibility comes from experience. I would like to think I have some. If credibility comes from where your politics lie...Perhaps not in your view of what is basis for “credibility”? Thanks for clarification of what you are talking about? Was there “credibility” in the recent mask thread? I think yes...and no. I know when it comes to talking about parrots I don’t do so, because I lack experience/interest/desire/passion. When it comes to really long flights over water or mountainous terrain, ditto, not your guy. I do always welcome discussion (some would call it debate) when someone uses words that I question. Your words are an example. I challenge your “credibility” on your post. Thanks for your clarification. Or from the response from those that emoted...
  9. A personal eulogy for a long time friend. He is in a better place.
  10. EIB1 now has an empty seat that can never be refilled. Hope you had a smooth final flight my silver tongued speaker of truth. You shall be missed. The talent, sadly, was only on loan... Be in peace with the loaner. We have your back sir. May the golden mic continue to educate, enlighten and deliver the truth.
  11. That is a weight and balance pro ($5 on apple App Store) ap. Worth it as it is easy to use.
  12. Procedure was slowly add fuel to create fuel sticks and note fuel levels in main and aux tanks. Crossover is relatively quick. Five minutes between add to noting levels.
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