Hi Ross,
Administrator has “cancelled me” (based on others input no doubt) multiple times. I have a short leash no doubt based on survivors/commenters on the “mask thread”. I value the relationships I have made on Mooneyspace so keep coming back for more. I have gotten far more OUT of Mooneyspace than I have given over the years without question. The technical expertise and willingness of competent/knowledgeable members to share has always been the strength of Mooneyspace. It is a community of varied humans. I will never walk away from a debate (to a fault) and when I experience personal attacks I respond in kind. Some dish better than they eat?
I am not a counter of posts, but have shared my other screen names (over the years) on my profile. Yes, ScottFromIowa was the first. Four total screen names I believe...
My favorite cancel was for Yvves requesting in a post to “call me a whimp”...My reply? Whimp. Cancelled. Eye roll/slow clap...
Question Authority. Trust but Verify. When personally attacked...Attack harder. That’s all an old Light Infantry Officer knows. Tact? Sure, but optional.
We have a block feature. I have only used once.
There are baiters and trolls here...I know.
I was told All Mooney All the time...There is a thread on Covid right now. This relates to Mooney ownership and operation how? Masks was another recent thread that I am overjoyed to have NOT been “back” for as I think that would not have gone well. Others did an outstanding job of calling out the hypocrisy. Well done all.
Just for the record I believe the earth to NOT be flat. I get my flu shot annually. I believe in personal hygiene and know there is a right and wrong way to wash hands. Masks? No comment (because I live in Realsville). (I do participate in “masks” as directed by the man.)
Always enjoy your content. Thank you in advance for more insight and education.