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Everything posted by MISSILEFLYER

  1. Hey, FYI...Bonai want’s his thread back... Face palm.
  2. All I can do or I am cancelled. No personal attacks by me here Erik. Cease in fighting a fight for others. It is a hobby for you I know.
  3. I can not own what I didn’t say. I can give another perspective from an emergency room physician as told directly to me. Believe me or not. How have I crawled under a rock? Same physician friend stated he has been muzzled and would jeopardize his career for speaking out. It doesn’t get more REAL to me than that. I appreciate the seriousness of Covid. I search for information where I can find it. I am not paraphrasing. The quote was given to me by text. I have been on MS for years. You and Spock both know my name and where I live. Is that a troll? I think not.
  4. I stated an opinion by a colleague, a counter to your narrative and that is what you give. O.K Dr. Spock. Not a personal attack by me. Your response definitely was. Thanks for the input.
  5. Who are the “folks” to whom you speak? Is the vaccine suddenly “widely available to get”? Perhaps you should go to an anti-vax’r site and provide the PSA? Other than a questionable “19” year old helicopter pilot I thought vaccine distribution was for “others” in healthcare and older than 60? What am I missing? Are there a bunch of MSers that need prodding?
  6. Counterpoint. I have an ER Dr. close friend that I recently asked “Is the hype real?” “Are you overwhelmed”. His direct quote: “No. My colleagues need to STFU and do their job”. Alrighty then.
  7. I like the recommendation in your post. That is all I like. Why? Because of the “compelled to treat” discussion. I as the patient am compelled to NOT accept your treatment given the side-effects from the treatment and impact to my body and lifestyle...I weigh the exposure and recommendation (drugs for something I can only recently see that likely is NOT an issue). The “cure” in my opinion is not worth the exposure/risk. If a borderline statin diagnosis...with weight control and hypertension control and heart scan with “minimal” plaque diagnosis do you take the statin or not? I would choose NOT. Still waiting for a response to the request to have a list of Covid 19 guidelines. CDC’s leader the revered Dr. Fauci said “no big deal”....then “masks can give a false sense of security...they may stop a droplet, but I wouldn’t go around with a mask” (not a direct quote but close) Interviewer said “Hey, there are a lot of people that are listening...are you sure we don’t need to wear masks”? “No”... That was what it was. In the time of need when experience, honesty, professionalism mattered... FAIL. Stop the spread we were told. Just a couple of weeks...Just a couple of months... We are now approaching a year. I respect everyone’s personal decision on how they choose to protect themselves and their families and others. I reject that I am considered “mean” Anthony’s words for asking questions based on the moving ball that has been the Covid 19 response. It is shameful that this has been politicized to 11 (Spinal Tap)... But it HAS. We the people are “getting through this” in spite of government hi-jinx that ABSOLUTELY includes manipulation of numbers/exposure/protection. Some respond with fear. Some respond with anger. I respect either response. Just glad I didn’t live in California or New York or Michigan or Illinois during Covid 19. The decisions by your leaders are unconscionable. Yet there is a refusal to even allow it to be discussed here. Why? Because it is political... THAT is why THIS TOPIC SHOULD NOT BE DISCUSSED ON MOONEYSPACE...Or not selectively exclude discussion. The best way to prevent a future accident is to get ALL the facts. To identify what the fundamental cause was and educate and avoid a recurrence. We won’t even discuss the mitigation errors here or anywhere... THAT is how a train wreck keeps occurring. THAT is how people needlessly die. With no accountability and clearly reviewing what was done well...what was done poorly and learning from it you keep having the same things happen and you have a general public that has diminished trust in government and institutions including CDC and healthcare. CYA...it’s the American way. Truth matters. Learning from mistakes matters. Demand better.
  8. Yes. Somewhat of a source of frustration as I am at the Coni recommended max flow of 26.5gph and can not reach 27-28 per my A&P as he has adjustment to stops... Just climb at higher rate of speed and sacrifice some climb. Still 1000-700fpm at 135-150k on high density summer days... We’re good.
  9. They would not create a category for Rocket Engineering or Missile/Rocket as I requested and gave me no response so I needled them. STILL no response. Alrighty them. I’m out.
  10. The 830 is an excellent and very cost effective upgrade. There is a trade up program that gets you a much larger screen with all your info listed vs. hitting button for view. Use the savings for a G5
  11. I just went to the scene of the “crime “ and asked the question. If I placed in avionics perps wouldn’t see it is my thought? I usually gain sarcasm in direct proportion to java consumed.
  12. I know several Governors I would like to “uninstall”...but I digress.
  13. Sorry to hear that.
  14. I have played within “the rules” for the duration. There was no STAY IN YOUR BUNKER national mandate where I live. We can’t talk politics so that “bunker thing” is obviously real for some. I have chosen to not be around groups and couldn’t “do a concert” or sporting event but golf, bird hunting, shooting, dinners out(with a brief exception) beers out in Iowa, Wisconsin, Florida, South Carolina and Georgia have been activities that were permitted by the man. Going to the lake: permitted. Obviously if you are outside of my 1/2 of 1% morbidity exposure or live with someone that is. You have chosen to live life differently. If “the state” or work hasn’t limited you then YOU have limited you. I respect that.
  15. I submit that Covid 19 has had ZERO impact on my ability to fly. Whether by GA or Big tin International travel, of course excluded.
  16. Hey, I am a rules guy. I was told “only Mooney discussion” as forum header states... I could ignore and go elsewhere, but others couldn’t do that for me so quid pro quo...
  17. This forum is just for discussion about Mooney aircraft..... Hmmmmmmm. Me thinks not.
  18. Wrong
  19. All Mooney all the time Administrators....Right? RIGHT? RIGHT!
  20. I could say so much on the vid. I think not.
  21. Very sorry for your loss. My mom is 90 and has led a full life, but I would love to have her, if healthy and happy (she is) for a long while... Never much believed in luck. Life is to be lived. Agree, like flu virus Covid will be with us going forward. My wife is with her family today following a heart attack (her dad) this morning. Life is fragile. I take nothing for granted.
  22. Just a PSA that there is indeed an avionics specific thread area on Mooneyspace. Am I missing something? Enlighten me?
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