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  1. While I'm on this topic: Who'd like to throw out a few utterly slanted, personal but experienced opinions on this topic? 1. Well updated panel M20E, some speed mods; in the upper $70's/low 80's. 2. mid generation 201, nice condition, close onto $100. What to choose?
  2. Carusoam, you made my day with your accolade. I can now die happy----well, after I buy my next one (looking at an M20E vs a 201).
  3. This is a very helpful string for those of us in the buying market. Comparing THIS plane, to THAT one, which has a Century II and an Aspen PFD, vs another with old OEM setups that are thousands less expensive, vs THAT one that has a G5 and a 650 but no A/P is...challenging. I'm considering installation of a G3X and a GFC500 A/P in my next aircraft, if not up to what I'd prefer for situational and mechanical awareness; the G3X, while hardly inexpensive, at least allows for integration of engine monitoring w/o an additional 'box'. A JDI 900 would be great, but: it's a separate box, and the price differential between that plus 2 G5s or G275s seems higher than the G3X. Someone, anyone educate or correct me on this, please. I quite like the Aspen and Dynon offerings, but it would seem to narrow one's subsequent options, particularly A/P options.
  4. Should you buy a Mooney as your first airplane? Should you have the prom queen as your first girlfriend?? Yes. To both. Just prepare to be spoiled, for any less. I started with an Acclaim (don't do that...), and learned fast. On the hunt for my next one, after a hiatus.
  5. RIP, Nemo. Enjoy it in good health, Schllc! The original orange was an identical match for a Breitling SuperOcean watch face. Ask me how I know...
  6. My wife, not coincidentally dubbed 730ML ‘Nemo’! LOVED that plane. But they’re expensive. It was like dating a swimsuit model: with a gambling addiction! Aircraft are like that. Saw that it’s on the market for maybe $389K. Kudos to the pilot who flies her. Currently seeking an M20C, or perhaps a J. My wife cried when we sold 730ML, and now encourages me daily to find another Mooney for us. Best. Wife. Ever! Glad to be back.
  7. When I purchased my previous plane (730ML) from the factory in 2009, it was painted at Tejas Aero. I'm no expert, but the work seemed good and the scheme came out exactly as I wanted (evokes strong reactions in both directions).
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