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Everything posted by Gubni

  1. I don't want to call them out, but they are a very reputable company. I sent the starter only.
  2. No, I'm not sure.
  3. I need to replace my hoses as part of the rebuilt of N261TA. I know I can buy generic hoses by the foot, but for the square one Savvymx suggested that I check with a Mooney service center. My thoughts are that I might as well buy them all original rather than cut to length to get the best fit. Any suggestions?
  4. I sent my starter off to be IRAN with no known problems. They told me it's unrepairable. I can't seem to find a replacement other than a used one that would need to be sent off in hopes that it passes IRAN. Any suggestions?
  5. Thanks for all the input. Maybe we should break off the high altitude discussion to another thread. If possible I'd like to keep this thread about the restoration and as a reference in the future.
  6. I just added up my current and expected expenses and I am looking at about $90,000 including the $10k purchase price. This is all inclusive from buying optional manuals to hangar rental while waiting. I even added the Kool Scoop which I have heard is a necessity, lol. It's still way more expensive than I thought it would be, but less than the plane is worth and I know it's all done and good to go. By assisting with a lot of the work myself I know it's done right also. I absolutely realize people are saying to themselves if he can afford an airplane he can afford to pay my stupid price. For example motor mounts where about $2000 and they are rather simple and could be made for less than 10% of that cost. I have learned to just swallow it as part of the game.
  7. Gubni


    That was my first thought, but without a hub two blades aren't that cool.
  8. My M20K had a very minor low speed prop strike. One blade had a bend less than 1/2". I sent it to Cody and he suggested to replace my blades and sent the originals back to me. He did mostly straighten the bend. He said a straightened blade can't be used. He sent them back to me. What can I do with them? One is perfect and one had a minor bend. Should I toss them in the scrap pile? Is there any value? I'd love to recoup a little of my money. Lots of great replies on what I can do with them. I have too much clutter. Who wants to buy them? Lol BTW, yes I am having the engine rebuilt.
  9. I think its clear I should wait on the electronic mag. Mine is a turbo 12v, but I think it's best to get it going for now. The owner of the STC for the 261 conversion is not available and I can't get an update for the SB mod. Does that mean I can't or shouldn't do it? My engine builder said it's the same cost either way and he does it all the time.
  10. I sent my engine off to Jewell Aviation as many recommended. David had two questions for me today do I want to upgrade my TSIO-360-MB to an SB? He said it's mostly just a fuel system upgrade. His other question was about the mags. I was going to just put bendix mags on it, but I have read about people upgrading to electronic ignition. I don't know the pros and cons of either of these upgrades. I do know that some upgrades may not be worth the hassle and others can be amazing especially since I'm already there. I look forward to your wisdom.
  11. Great article. I'd never do it without a very experienced copilot. Really first steps first and that's going to be just pattern work, lol
  12. According to the AFM ceiling for this one is 28,000.
  13. Thank you for the reminder. My insurance requires 10 hours of dual and I am hoping to get both of those during that 10 hours. I'm am also looking forward to my high altitude endorsement FL250+ after I get IFR.
  14. Update from David Jewell Two cylinders are not repairable due to stuck valves. The accessory case, crankcase and crankshaft look good. 4 cylinders are good. Due to weather and limited CFI availability I don't have my check ride scheduled yet, but still making progress.
  15. Yes by David Jewell. He said it had stuck valves and bent push rods is why it was only running on 4 cylinders.
  16. Current update: I now have my prop back. Cody replaced the blades and sent my old ones back to me. The engine, 2 alternators, starter, turbo, and 02 tank are being inspected and serviced. The prop governor had to be replaced. I have ordered new motor mounts, baffling, and a broken heat sensor. I am hoping to finish my PPL training by the end of the month and have my Checkride by the middle of August and fly my plane with a CFI by the end of September. Then in October be free, lol. Of course I want to go to IFR very soon. Its good to have goals, right?
  17. How do you run the boost pump on high once it's removed?
  18. I don't think so. He told me he was going to put plugs in where it was.
  19. I sent my M20K continental engine off for rebuild and I was told in 2019 there was an AC or maybe SB that said the boost pump should be removed permanently. Has anyone else heard of this or has a link? It doesn't make any sense to me.
  20. I took many pictures as we disassembled it, but there's not much to see there. One the first page of this you will find some pics of the plane.
  21. Cody has 2 used blades he is hooking me up with.
  22. Today I shipped the engine off to Jewell. I did get a call from Cody saying my prop had been cut down before and could not be cut down any more so it cannot be reused. I am planning to send the turbo and accessories to Main Turbo in California.
  23. I was at Morristown airport over the weekend and it doesn't look like this plane has moved in quite some time. N5783D
  24. They generally reuse cylinders. Paul's rebuild was about $32,000 and they expect mine to be about the same. I am going to send off my Alternators, Starter, and Turbo to other companies for IRAN.
  25. I have officially decided for a rebuild. The next step is to decide on how to do that. Do I send everything firewall forward or only send the main engine and fuel system. I spoke to Jewell and Western Skyways and both were okay with me sending it all, but neither wanted me to send it all. Western Skyways was super friendly and Jewell seemed to be having a bad day.
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