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About TheStig

  • Birthday 01/05/1968

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    Satellite Beach, FL
  • Interests
    Flying, cybersecurity, model airplanes, scuba diving, cycling.
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  1. That would be terrific! I can be reached at stig@ravdal.com. Thank you kindly!! Stig
  2. Does anyone have an electronic copy of the Ovation 2 POH? Electronic/pdf for 29-0430+ s/n / 2006 Thanks, Stig
  3. They are not too pricey but I don't know if it makes sense to have 2 GI-275s just to have redundancy for EIS. Again, I think I could manage to come down by sound and feel if I had to.
  4. This is what I see as the greatest benefit, not having to look under yoke (current position of JPI 700), or over to the right where it would be possible to fit in the 930 screen. Doing the split screen: map/MFD, PFD, EIS right in front is pretty terrific. Should it fail and I am left with using the backup GI-275 for the AI/speed/alt to get on the ground, I am pretty comfortable I would be able to manage the engine by sound and habit. Going down is mostly about not shock cooling, bringing the mixture in... and avoiding the MPs getting too high. If I had to, I think I could manage that. Not sure but if you can grab data from the TXi onto iPad, you have some numbers like fuel to look at as you make your way to the ground... Swapping KFC150 with GFC will come later. KFC 150 is rock solid and can be driven by GI-275 or TXi and setup with it's own Garmin controls as well.
  5. This is a lot like the panel I am having quoted. I like the GI-275 over the G5 which many have as backup. I am wondering if there is a weight penalty going with the GI-275 over G5 and the G5 has great battery backup which I don't believe the GI-275 has. However, there biggest thing is whether or not you need as much of an instrument as the GI-275 has to offer over a G5. I'm reading up on it as much as I can... Might be something else that drives the decision I am unaware of.
  6. A G3X 7" is not a bad idea either. Not sure if it could serve as a backup to the Txi if that failed but might not need that. Interesting for sure. Current plan is to use a GI-275 as a backup AI (like @StevenL757) . I don't know if it can work as a backup to the TXi or if it have to be setup that way to begin with. I think it comes as an EIS variant OR nav OR AI not with a toggle. If so, there would have to be 2 of them, one for AI and the other as EIS. Currently the G3X is backordered and have a long wait time or so I have heard...
  7. Cost aside, I’m interested in pros/cons including weight, failure mode and such. I like the idea of a very clean panel which the 500TXi with engine monitoring would provide and one less screen in the panel. What are some other perspectives?
  8. Hi folks, My Ovation is missing its hub capa ans I was told that they help keep the whees clean. Does anyone know the part number for the hub caps on the mains for an M20R? I’ve searches on airxraft sprice and it seems like there are many options more based on the wheel than plane. Are there several that will fit the wheel size? As long as the wheels will retract properly maybe it doesn’t matter whoch brand? Thanks!
  9. Do you have airport and more info on AGL, the only one I could find was in the Carolinas. Thanks.
  10. Thanks Mlm20c! I will check them out.
  11. Hey there, who knows where the nearest MSC to Dayton, OH is? I’m looking for a place for pre-purchase inspection that knows Mooneys. Thanks, Stig
  12. Thank you for your insights, thoughts and musings. I will talk to my mechanic about the options to get it done. Cheers, Stig
  13. How about adding a composite prop on the front to offset the reduced weight in the back? MT shave ~15-20lbs off and McCauley boast 35 lbs savings.
  14. The market has continued to increase and rather markedly. I have been shopping for M20Es, M20Js and most recently an Ovation and in the close to 2 years I have seen Es go from 30s and 40s to 50s to 70s; J’s went from low 70s to 90s to 130s-150s and Ovations from 150 to 170s to over $200k. Of course TT, engine time, extras and overall condition affect price. There are still some deals to be had out there but there seem to be fewer and it seems like a sellers market. Best of luck. Stig
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